-distance sets, Falconer conjecture, and discrete analogs.
We introduce a property for a couple of topologies that allows us to give simple proofs of some classic results about Borel sets in Banach spaces by Edgar, Schachermayer and Talagrand as well as some new results. We characterize the existence of Kadec type renormings in the spirit of the new results for LUR spaces by Moltó, Orihuela and Troyanski.
Nous montrons que le tracé d’un kolam indien classique, que l’on retrouve aussi dans la tradition des dessins sur le sable aux îles Vanuatu, peut être engendré par un morphisme de monoïde. La suite infinie morphique ainsi obtenue est reliée à la célèbre suite de Prouhet-Thue-Morse, mais elle n’est -automatique pour aucun entier .
We consider the continuous model of log-infinitely divisible multifractal random measures (MRM) introduced in [E. Bacry et al. Comm. Math. Phys. 236 (2003) 449–475]. If M is a non degenerate multifractal measure with associated metric ρ(x,y) = M([x,y]) and structure function ζ, we show that we have the following relation between the (Euclidian) Hausdorff dimension dimH of a measurable set K and the Hausdorff dimension dimHρ with respect to ρ of the same set: ζ(dimHρ(K)) = dimH(K). Our results can...
We consider the continuous model of log-infinitely divisible multifractal random measures (MRM) introduced in [E. Bacry et al. Comm. Math. Phys.236 (2003) 449–475]. If M is a non degenerate multifractal measure with associated metric ρ(x,y) = M([x,y]) and structure function ζ, we show that we have the following relation between the (Euclidian) Hausdorff dimension dimH of a measurable set K and the Hausdorff dimension dimHρ with respect to ρ of the same set: ζ(dimHρ(K)) = dimH(K). Our results can...
For a merely continuous partition of unity the PU integral is the Lebesgue integral.
A measure is called -improving if it acts by convolution as a bounded operator from to for some q > p. Positive measures which are -improving are known to have positive Hausdorff dimension. We extend this result to complex -improving measures and show that even their energy dimension is positive. Measures of positive energy dimension are seen to be the Lipschitz measures and are characterized in terms of their improving behaviour on a subset of -functions.
Based on a set of higher order self-similar identities for the Bernoulli convolution measure for (√5-1)/2 given by Strichartz et al., we derive a formula for the -spectrum, q >0, of the measure. This formula is the first obtained in the case where the open set condition does not hold.