Displaying 401 – 420 of 601

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Piecewise convex transformations with no finite invariant measure

Tomasz Komorowski (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

 Abstract. The paper concerns the problem of the existence of a finite invariant absolutely continuous measure for piecewise C 2 -regular and convex transformations T: [0, l]→[0,1]. We show that in the case when T’(0) = 1 and T"(0) exists T does not admit such a measure. This result is complementary to the ones contained in [3] and [5].

Pointwise convergence of nonconventional averages

I. Assani (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We answer a question of H. Furstenberg on the pointwise convergence of the averages 1 / N n = 1 N U ( f · R ( g ) ) , where U and R are positive operators. We also study the pointwise convergence of the averages 1 / N n = 1 N f ( S x ) g ( R x ) when T and S are measure preserving transformations.

Pointwise ergodic theorems for functions in Lorentz spaces L p q with p ≠ ∞

Ryotaro Sato (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Let τ be a null preserving point transformation on a finite measure space. Assuming τ is invertible, P. Ortega Salvador has recently obtained sufficient conditions for the almost everywhere convergence of the ergodic averages in L p q with 1 < p < ∞, 1 < q < ∞. In this paper we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the almost everywhere convergence, without assuming that τ is invertible and only assuming that p ≠ ∞.

Pointwise ergodic theorems in Lorentz spaces L(p,q) for null preserving transformations

Ryotaro Sato (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Let (X,ℱ,µ) be a finite measure space and τ a null preserving transformation on (X,ℱ,µ). Functions in Lorentz spaces L(p,q) associated with the measure μ are considered for pointwise ergodic theorems. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given in order that for any f in L(p,q) the ergodic average n - 1 i = 0 n - 1 f τ i ( x ) converges almost everywhere to a function f* in L ( p 1 , q 1 ] , where (pq) and ( p 1 , q 1 ] are assumed to be in the set ( r , s ) : r = s = 1 , o r 1 < r < a n d 1 s , o r r = s = . Results due to C. Ryll-Nardzewski, S. Gładysz, and I. Assani and J. Woś are generalized and unified...

Poisson boundary of triangular matrices in a number field

Bruno Schapira (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The aim of this note is to describe the Poisson boundary of the group of invertible triangular matrices with coefficients in a number field. It generalizes to any dimension and to any number field a result of Brofferio concerning the Poisson boundary of random rational affinities.

Poisson suspensions of compactly regenerative transformations

Roland Zweimüller (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For infinite measure preserving transformations with a compact regeneration property we establish a central limit theorem for visits to good sets of finite measure by points from Poissonian ensembles. This extends classical results about (noninteracting) infinite particle systems driven by Markov chains to the realm of systems driven by weakly dependent processes generated by certain measure preserving transformations.

Currently displaying 401 – 420 of 601