Displaying 181 – 200 of 480

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Some remarks on indices of holomorphic vector fields.

Marco Brunella (1997)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

One can associate several residue-type indices to a singular point of a two-dimensional holomorphic vector field. Some of these indices depend also on the choice of a separatrix at the singular point. We establish some relations between them, especially when the singular point is a generalized curve and the separatrix is the maximal one. These local results have global consequences, for example concerning the construction of logarithmic forms defining a given holomorphic foliation.

Sous-espaces privilégiés d'un polycylindre

Geneviève Pourcin (1975)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Cet article précise la notion de privilège introduite par A. Douady. Un sous-espace privilégié d’un polycylindre K est défini par un idéal fermé de l’algèbre des fonctions continues sur K et holomorphes sur K ˙ , cet idéal étant supposé de résolution finie.Les sous-espaces privilégiés d’un polycylindre fixé sont classés par un espace analytique banachique, “une grassmannienne”, introduit par A. Douady et dont on donne ici la propriété universelle.Pour cela on montre que la notion de privilège est locale...

Spaces of geometrically generic configurations

Yoel Feler (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let X denote either ℂℙ m or m . We study certain analytic properties of the space n ( X , g p ) of ordered geometrically generic n -point configurations in X . This space consists of all q = ( q 1 , , q n ) X n such that no m + 1 of the points q 1 , , q n belong to a hyperplane in X . In particular, we show that for a big enough n any holomorphic map f : n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) commuting with the natural action of the symmetric group 𝐒 ( n ) in n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) is of the form f ( q ) = τ ( q ) q = ( τ ( q ) q 1 , , τ ( q ) q n ) , q n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) , where τ : n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) 𝐏𝐒𝐋 ( m + 1 , ) is an 𝐒 ( n ) -invariant holomorphic map. A similar result holds true for mappings of the configuration space n ( m , g p ) .

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 480