Displaying 701 – 720 of 2026

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Harmonic analysis for spinors on real hyperbolic spaces

Roberto Camporesi, Emmanuel Pedon (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We develop the L² harmonic analysis for (Dirac) spinors on the real hyperbolic space Hⁿ(ℝ) and give the analogue of the classical notions and results known for functions and differential forms: we investigate the Poisson transform, spherical function theory, spherical Fourier transform and Fourier transform. Very explicit expressions and statements are obtained by reduction to Jacobi analysis on L²(ℝ). As applications, we describe the exact spectrum of the Dirac operator, study the Abel transform...

Harmonic interpolation based on Radon projections along the sides of regular polygons

Irina Georgieva, Clemens Hofreither, Christoph Koutschan, Veronika Pillwein, Thotsaporn Thanatipanonda (2013)

Open Mathematics

Given information about a harmonic function in two variables, consisting of a finite number of values of its Radon projections, i.e., integrals along some chords of the unit circle, we study the problem of interpolating these data by a harmonic polynomial. With the help of symbolic summation techniques we show that this interpolation problem has a unique solution in the case when the chords form a regular polygon. Numerical experiments for this and more general cases are presented.

Hermite functions and uncertainty principles for the Fourier and the windowed Fourier transforms.

Aline Bonami, Demange, Bruno, Jaming, Philippe (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We extend an uncertainty principle due to Beurling into a characterization of Hermite functions. More precisely, all functions f on Rd which may be written as P(x)exp(-(Ax,x)), with A a real symmetric definite positive matrix, are characterized by integrability conditions on the product f(x)f(y). We then obtain similar results for the windowed Fourier transform (also known, up to elementary changes of functions, as the radar ambiguity function or the Wigner transform). We complete the paper with...

Hermite Series with Polar Singularities

Boychev, Georgi S. (2012)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

MSC 2010: 33C45, 40G05Series in Hermite polynomials with poles on the boundaries of their regions of convergence are considered.

Currently displaying 701 – 720 of 2026