Displaying 801 – 820 of 2026

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Inversion Formulas for the q-Riemann-Liouville and q-Weyl Transforms Using Wavelets

Fitouhi, Ahmed, Bettaibi, Néji, Binous, Wafa (2007)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 42A38, 42C40, 33D15, 33D60This paper aims to study the q-wavelets and the continuous q-wavelet transforms, associated with the q-Bessel operator for a fixed q ∈]0, 1[. Using the q-Riemann-Liouville and the q-Weyl transforms, we give some relations between the continuous q-wavelet transform, studied in [3], and the continuous q-wavelet transform associated with the q-Bessel operator, and we deduce formulas which give the inverse operators of the q-Riemann-Liouville and...

Irrationalité de valeurs de zêta

Stéphane Fischler (2002/2003)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Les valeurs aux entiers pairs (strictement positifs) de la fonction ζ de Riemann sont transcendantes, car ce sont des multiples rationnels de puissances de π . En revanche, on sait très peu de choses sur la nature arithmétique des ζ ( 2 k + 1 ) , pour k 1 entier. Apéry a démontré en 1978 que ζ ( 3 ) est irrationnel. Rivoal a prouvé en 2000 qu’une infinité de ζ ( 2 k + 1 ) sont irrationnels, mais sans pouvoir en exhiber aucun autre que ζ ( 3 ) . Il existe plusieurs points de vue sur la preuve d’Apéry ; celui des séries hypergéométriques...

Isotropic random walks on affine buildings

James Parkinson (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we apply techniques of spherical harmonic analysis to prove a local limit theorem, a rate of escape theorem, and a central limit theorem for isotropic random walks on arbitrary thick regular affine buildings of irreducible type. This generalises results of Cartwright and Woess where A ˜ n buildings are studied, Lindlbauer and Voit where A ˜ 2 buildings are studied, and Sawyer where homogeneous trees are studied (these are A ˜ 1 buildings).

Currently displaying 801 – 820 of 2026