Displaying 641 – 660 of 1662

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On solutions of differential equations with ``common zero'' at infinity

Árpád Elbert, Jaromír Vosmanský (1997)

Archivum Mathematicum

The zeros c k ( ν ) of the solution z ( t , ν ) of the differential equation z ' ' + q ( t , ν ) z = 0 are investigated when lim t q ( t , ν ) = 1 , | q ( t , ν ) - 1 | d t < and q ( t , ν ) has some monotonicity properties as t . The notion c κ ( ν ) is introduced also for κ real, too. We are particularly interested in solutions z ( t , ν ) which are “close" to the functions sin t , cos t when t is large. We derive a formula for d c κ ( ν ) / d ν and apply the result to Bessel differential equation, where we introduce new pair of linearly independent solutions replacing the usual pair J ν ( t ) , Y ν ( t ) . We show the concavity of c κ ( ν ) for | ν | 1 2 and also...

On solutions of third order nonlinear differential equations

Ivan Mojsej, Ján Ohriska (2006)

Open Mathematics

The aim of our paper is to study oscillatory and asymptotic properties of solutions of nonlinear differential equations of the third order with deviating argument. In particular, we prove a comparison theorem for properties A and B as well as a comparison result on property A between nonlinear equations with and without deviating arguments. Our assumptions on nonlinearity f are related to its behavior only in a neighbourhood of zero and/or of infinity.

On solvability of nonlinear boundary value problems for the equation ( x ' + g ( t , x , x ' ) ) ' = f ( t , x , x ' ) with one-sided growth restrictions on f

Staněk, Svatoslav (2002)

Archivum Mathematicum

We consider boundary value problems for second order differential equations of the form ( x ' + g ( t , x , x ' ) ) ' = f ( t , x , x ' ) with the boundary conditions r ( x ( 0 ) , x ' ( 0 ) , x ( T ) ) + ϕ ( x ) = 0 , w ( x ( 0 ) , x ( T ) , x ' ( T ) ) + ψ ( x ) = 0 , where g , r , w are continuous functions, f satisfies the local Carathéodory conditions and ϕ , ψ are continuous and nondecreasing functionals. Existence results are proved by the method of lower and upper functions and applying the degree theory for α -condensing operators.

On solvability sets of boundary value problems for linear functional differential equations

Eugene Bravyi (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

Consider boundary value problems for a functional differential equation x ( n ) ( t ) = ( T + x ) ( t ) - ( T - x ) ( t ) + f ( t ) , t [ a , b ] , l x = c , where T + , T - : 𝐂 [ a , b ] 𝐋 [ a , b ] are positive linear operators; l : 𝐀𝐂 n - 1 [ a , b ] n is a linear bounded vector-functional, f 𝐋 [ a , b ] , c n , n 2 . Let the solvability set be the set of all points ( 𝒯 + , 𝒯 - ) 2 + such that for all operators T + , T - with T ± 𝐂 𝐋 = 𝒯 ± the problems have a unique solution for every f and c . A method of finding the solvability sets are proposed. Some new properties of these sets are obtained in various cases. We continue the investigations of the solvability sets started in R. Hakl,...

On solving systems of differential algebraic equations

Marian Kwapisz (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

In the paper the comparison method is used to prove the convergence of the Picard iterations, the Seidel iterations, as well as some modifications of these methods applied to approximate solution of systems of differential algebraic equations. The both linear and nonlinear comparison equations are emloyed.

On some boundary value problems for second order nonlinear differential equations

Zuzana Došlá, Mauro Marini, Serena Matucci (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica

We investigate two boundary value problems for the second order differential equation with p -Laplacian ( a ( t ) Φ p ( x ' ) ) ' = b ( t ) F ( x ) , t I = [ 0 , ) , where a , b are continuous positive functions on I . We give necessary and sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of a unique (or at least one) positive solution, satisfying one of the following two boundary conditions: i ) x ( 0 ) = c > 0 , lim t x ( t ) = 0 ; ii ) x ' ( 0 ) = d < 0 , lim t x ( t ) = 0 .

Currently displaying 641 – 660 of 1662