Displaying 101 – 120 of 170

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On the asymptotic expansion of the Airy function

Fausto Segala (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Si prova una nuova formula di rappresentazione per la famosa funzione di Airy. Ne viene data applicazione per la determinazione di certi bounds significativi per la funzione stessa.

Overstability and resonance

Augustin Fruchard, Reinhard Schäfke (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider a singularity perturbed nonlinear differential equation ε u ' = f ( x ) u + + ε P ( x , u , ε ) which we suppose real analytic for x near some interval [ a , b ] and small | u | , | ε | . We furthermore suppose that 0 is a turning point, namely that x f ( x ) is positive if x 0 . We prove that the existence of nicely behaved (as ϵ 0 ) local (at x = 0 ) or global, real analytic or C solutions is equivalent to the existence of a formal series solution u n ( x ) ε n with u n analytic at x = 0 . The main tool of a proof is a new “principle of analytic continuation” for such “overstable” solutions....

Perturbation singulière en dimension trois : canards en un point pseudo-singulier nœud

Éric Benoît (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

On étudie les systèmes différentiels singulièrement perturbés de dimension 3 du type { x ˙ = f ( x , y , z , ε ) , y ˙ = g ( x , y , z , ε ) , ε z ˙ = h ( x , y , z , ε ) , f , g , h sont analytiques quelconques. Les travaux antérieurs étudiaient les points réguliers où la surface lente h = 0 est transverse au champ rapide vertical. C’est le domaine d’application du théorème de Tikhonov. Dans d’autres travaux antérieurs, on étudiait les singularités de certains types : plis et fronces de la surface lente, ainsi que certaines singularités plus compliquées, analogues aux points tournants...

Polynomial expansiveness and admissibility of weighted Lebesgue spaces

Pham Viet Hai (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The paper investigates the interaction between the notions of expansiveness and admissibility. We consider a polynomially bounded discrete evolution family and define an admissibility notion via the solvability of an associated difference equation. Using the admissibility of weighted Lebesgue spaces of sequences, we give a characterization of discrete evolution families which are polynomially expansive and also those which are expansive in the ordinary sense. Thereafter, we apply the main results...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 170