Displaying 201 – 220 of 1309

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Enhanced electrical impedance tomography via the Mumford–Shah functional

Luca Rondi, Fadil Santosa (2001)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the problem of electrical impedance tomography where conductivity distribution in a domain is to be reconstructed from boundary measurements of voltage and currents. It is well-known that this problem is highly illposed. In this work, we propose the use of the Mumford–Shah functional, developed for segmentation and denoising of images, as a regularization. After establishing existence properties of the resulting variational problem, we proceed by demonstrating the approach in several...

Enhanced Electrical Impedance Tomography via the Mumford–Shah Functional

Luca Rondi, Fadil Santosa (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider the problem of electrical impedance tomography where conductivity distribution in a domain is to be reconstructed from boundary measurements of voltage and currents. It is well-known that this problem is highly illposed. In this work, we propose the use of the Mumford–Shah functional, developed for segmentation and denoising of images, as a regularization. After establishing existence properties of the resulting variational problem, we proceed by demonstrating the approach in several...

Enlarged Asymptotic Compensation in Discrete Distributed Systems

L. Afifi, M. Hakam, M. Bahadi, A. El Jai (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

This work concerns an enlarged analysis of the problem of asymptotic compensation for a class of discrete linear distributed systems. We study the possibility of asymptotic compensation of a disturbance by bringing asymptotically the observation in a given tolerance zone 𝒞. Under convenient hypothesis, we show the existence and the unicity of the optimal control ensuring this compensation and we give its characterization

Enrichissement des interpolations d’éléments finis en utilisant des méthodes sans maillage

Antonio Huerta, Sonia Fernández-Méndez, Pedro Díez (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Les méthodes sans maillage emploient une interpolation associée à un ensemble de particules : aucune information concernant la connectivité ne doit être fournie. Un des atouts de ces méthodes est que la discrétisation peut être enrichie d’une façon très simple, soit en augmentant le nombre de particules (analogue à la stratégie de raffinement h ), soit en augmentant l’ordre de consistance (analogue à la stratégie de raffinement p ). Néanmoins, le coût du calcul des fonctions d’interpolation est très...

Enrichissement des interpolations d'éléments finis en utilisant des méthodes sans maillage

Antonio Huerta, Sonia Fernández-Méndez, Pedro Díez (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Les méthodes sans maillage emploient une interpolation associée à un ensemble de particules : aucune information concernant la connectivité ne doit être fournie. Un des atouts de ces méthodes est que la discrétisation peut être enrichie d'une façon très simple, soit en augmentant le nombre de particules (analogue à la stratégie de raffinement h), soit en augmentant l'ordre de consistance (analogue à la stratégie de raffinement p). Néanmoins, le coût du calcul des fonctions d'interpolation est...

Entire solutions in 2 for a class of Allen-Cahn equations

Francesca Alessio, Piero Montecchiari (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a class of semilinear elliptic equations of the form - ε 2 Δ u ( x , y ) + a ( x ) W ' ( u ( x , y ) ) = 0 , ( x , y ) 2 where ε > 0 , a : is a periodic, positive function and W : is modeled on the classical two well Ginzburg-Landau potential W ( s ) = ( s 2 - 1 ) 2 . We look for solutions to (1) which verify the asymptotic conditions u ( x , y ) ± 1 as x ± uniformly with respect to y . We show via variational methods that if ε is sufficiently small and a is not constant, then (1) admits infinitely many of such solutions, distinct up to translations, which do not exhibit one dimensional symmetries.

Entire solutions in 2 for a class of Allen-Cahn equations

Francesca Alessio, Piero Montecchiari (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a class of semilinear elliptic equations of the form 15.7cm - ε 2 Δ u ( x , y ) + a ( x ) W ' ( u ( x , y ) ) = 0 , ( x , y ) 2 where ε > 0 , a : is a periodic, positive function and W : is modeled on the classical two well Ginzburg-Landau potential W ( s ) = ( s 2 - 1 ) 2 . We look for solutions to ([see full textsee full text]) which verify the asymptotic conditions u ( x , y ) ± 1 as x ± uniformly with respect to y . We show via variational methods that if ε is sufficiently small and a is not constant, then ([see full textsee full text]) admits infinitely many of such solutions, distinct...

Entire solutions to a class of fully nonlinear elliptic equations

Ovidiu Savin (2008)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We study nonlinear elliptic equations of the form F ( D 2 u ) = f ( u ) where the main assumption on F and f is that there exists a one dimensional solution which solves the equation in all the directions ξ n . We show that entire monotone solutions u are one dimensional if their 0 level set is assumed to be Lipschitz, flat or bounded from one side by a hyperplane.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 1309