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4D Embryogenesis image analysis using PDE methods of image processing

Paul Bourgine, Róbert Čunderlík, Olga Drblíková-Stašová, Karol Mikula, Mariana Remešíková, Nadine Peyriéras, Barbara Rizzi, Alessandro Sarti (2010)


In this paper, we introduce a set of methods for processing and analyzing long time series of 3D images representing embryo evolution. The images are obtained by in vivo scanning using a confocal microscope where one of the channels represents the cell nuclei and the other one the cell membranes. Our image processing chain consists of three steps: image filtering, object counting (center detection) and segmentation. The corresponding methods are based on numerical solution of nonlinear PDEs, namely...

A Boundary Value Problem Connected with Response of Semi-space to a Short Laser Pulse

Gaetano Fichera (1997)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In this paper a mixed boundary value problem for the fourth order hyperbolic equation with constant coefficients which is connected with response of semi-space to a short laser pulse» and belongs to generalized Thermoelasticity is studied. This problem was considered by R. B. Hetnarski and J. Ignaczak, who established some important physical consequences. The present paper contains proof of the existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence of a solution on the datum, together with an effective...

A Carleman estimates based approach for the stabilization of some locally damped semilinear hyperbolic equations

Louis Tebou (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

First, we consider a semilinear hyperbolic equation with a locally distributed damping in a bounded domain. The damping is located on a neighborhood of a suitable portion of the boundary. Using a Carleman estimate [Duyckaerts, Zhang and Zuazua, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire (to appear); Fu, Yong and Zhang, SIAM J. Contr. Opt. 46 (2007) 1578–1614], we prove that the energy of this system decays exponentially to zero as the time variable goes to infinity. Second, relying on another Carleman...

A Carleman estimates based approach for the stabilization of some locally damped semilinear hyperbolic equations

Louis Tebou (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

First, we consider a semilinear hyperbolic equation with a locally distributed damping in a bounded domain. The damping is located on a neighborhood of a suitable portion of the boundary. Using a Carleman estimate [Duyckaerts, Zhang and Zuazua, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire (to appear); Fu, Yong and Zhang, SIAM J. Contr. Opt.46 (2007) 1578–1614], we prove that the energy of this system decays exponentially to zero as the time variable goes to infinity. Second, relying on another Carleman...

A central scheme for shallow water flows along channels with irregular geometry

Jorge Balbás, Smadar Karni (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We present a new semi-discrete central scheme for one-dimensional shallow water flows along channels with non-uniform rectangular cross sections and bottom topography. The scheme preserves the positivity of the water height, and it is preserves steady-states of rest (i.e., it is well-balanced). Along with a detailed description of the scheme, numerous numerical examples are presented for unsteady and steady flows. Comparison with exact solutions illustrate the accuracy and robustness of the numerical...

A central scheme for shallow water flows along channels with irregular geometry

Jorge Balbás, Smadar Karni (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a new semi-discrete central scheme for one-dimensional shallow water flows along channels with non-uniform rectangular cross sections and bottom topography. The scheme preserves the positivity of the water height, and it is preserves steady-states of rest (i.e., it is well-balanced). Along with a detailed description of the scheme, numerous numerical examples are presented for unsteady and steady flows. Comparison with exact solutions illustrate the accuracy and robustness of the numerical...

A convergence result for finite volume schemes on Riemannian manifolds

Jan Giesselmann (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper studies a family of finite volume schemes for the hyperbolic scalar conservation law u t + g · f ( x , u ) = 0 on a closed Riemannian manifold M. For an initial value in BV(M) we will show that these schemes converge with a h 1 4 convergence rate towards the entropy solution. When M is 1-dimensional the schemes are TVD and we will show that this improves the convergence rate to h 1 2 .

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