Displaying 1681 – 1700 of 2165

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On the solution of inverse problems for generalized oxygen consumption

Denis Constales, Jozef Kačur (2001)

Applications of Mathematics

We present the solution of some inverse problems for one-dimensional free boundary problems of oxygen consumption type, with a semilinear convection-diffusion-reaction parabolic equation. Using a fixed domain transformation (Landau’s transformation) the direct problem is reduced to a system of ODEs. To minimize the objective functionals in the inverse problems, we approximate the data by a finite number of parameters with respect to which automatic differentiation is applied.

On the solution of linear algebraic systems arising from the semi–implicit DGFE discretization of the compressible Navier–Stokes equations

Vít Dolejší (2010)


We deal with the numerical simulation of a motion of viscous compressible fluids. We discretize the governing Navier–Stokes equations by the backward difference formula – discontinuous Galerkin finite element (BDF-DGFE) method, which exhibits a sufficiently stable, efficient and accurate numerical scheme. The BDF-DGFE method requires a solution of one linear algebra system at each time step. In this paper, we deal with these linear algebra systems with the aid of an iterative solver. We discuss...

On the solution of some inverse problems in infiltration

Denis Constales, Jozef Kačur (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper we discuss inverse problems in infiltration. We propose an efficient method for identification of model parameters, e.g., soil parameters for unsaturated porous media. Our concept is strongly based on the finite speed of propagation of the wetness front during the infiltration into a dry region. We determine the unknown parameters from the corresponding ODE system arising from the original porous media equation. We use the automatic differentiation implemented in the ODE solver LSODA....

On the solution of some non-local problems

F. Criado, Jr. Criado, F., N. Odishelidze (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper deals with two types of non-local problems for the Poisson equation in the disc. The first of them deals with the situation when the function value on the circle is given as a combination of unknown function values in the disc. The other type deals with the situation when a combination of the value of the function and its derivative by radius on the circle are given as a combination of unknown function values in the disc. The existence and uniqueness of the classical solution of these...

On the solution of the heat equation with nonlinear unbounded memory

Alexander Doktor (1985)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the question of global solution u , τ to boundary value problem for the system of semilinear heat equation for u and complementary nonlinear differential equation for τ (“thermal memory”). Uniqueness of the solution is shown and the method of successive approximations is used for the proof of existence of a global solution provided the condition ( 𝒫 ) holds. The condition ( 𝒫 ) is verified for some particular cases (e. g.: bounded nonlinearity, homogeneous Neumann problem (even for unbounded...

On the solutions of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov system

Lev Sakhnovich (2009)

Open Mathematics

We consider the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov system of linear differential equations. The coefficients of this system are rational functions. We prove that under some conditions the solution of the KZ system is rational too. We give the method of constructing the corresponding rational solution. We deduce the asymptotic formulas for the solution of the KZ system when the parameter ρ is an integer.

Currently displaying 1681 – 1700 of 2165