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Carathéodory solutions of hyperbolic functional differential inequalities with first order derivatives

Adrian Karpowicz (2008)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the Darboux problem for a functional differential equation: ( ² u ) / ( x y ) ( x , y ) = f ( x , y , u ( x , y ) , u ( x , y ) , u / x ( x , y ) , u / y ( x , y ) ) a.e. in [0,a]×[0,b], u(x,y) = ψ(x,y) on [-a₀,a]×[-b₀,b]∖(0,a]×(0,b], where the function u ( x , y ) : [ - a , 0 ] × [ - b , 0 ] k is defined by u ( x , y ) ( s , t ) = u ( s + x , t + y ) for (s,t) ∈ [-a₀,0]×[-b₀,0]. We give a few theorems about weak and strong inequalities for this problem. We also discuss the case where the right-hand side of the differential equation is linear.

Comparison of explicit and implicit difference methods for quasilinear functional differential equations

W. Czernous, Z. Kamont (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We give a theorem on error estimates of approximate solutions for explicit and implicit difference functional equations with unknown functions of several variables. We apply this general result to investigate the stability of difference methods for quasilinear functional differential equations with initial boundary condition of Dirichlet type. We consider first order partial functional differential equations and parabolic functional differential problems. We compare the properties of explicit...

Comparison of explicit and implicit difference schemes for parabolic functional differential equations

Zdzisław Kamont, Karolina Kropielnicka (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Initial-boundary value problems of Dirichlet type for parabolic functional differential equations are considered. Explicit difference schemes of Euler type and implicit difference methods are investigated. The following theoretical aspects of the methods are presented. Sufficient conditions for the convergence of approximate solutions are given and comparisons of the methods are presented. It is proved that the assumptions on the regularity of the given functions are the same for both methods. It...

Comparison of Perron and Floquet Eigenvalues in Age Structured Cell Division Cycle Models

J. Clairambault, S. Gaubert, Th. Lepoutre (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study the growth rate of a cell population that follows an age-structured PDE with time-periodic coefficients. Our motivation comes from the comparison between experimental tumor growth curves in mice endowed with intact or disrupted circadian clocks, known to exert their influence on the cell division cycle. We compare the growth rate of the model controlled by a time-periodic control on its coefficients with the growth rate of stationary models of the same nature, but with averaged coefficients....

Comparison theorems for infinite systems of parabolic functional-differential equations

Danuta Jaruszewska-Walczak (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The paper deals with a weakly coupled system of functional-differential equations t u i ( t , x ) = f i ( t , x , u ( t , x ) , u , x u i ( t , x ) , x x u i ( t , x ) ) , i ∈ S, where (t,x) = (t,x₁,...,xₙ) ∈ (0,a) × G, u = u i i S and S is an arbitrary set of indices. Initial boundary conditions are considered and the following questions are discussed: estimates of solutions, criteria of uniqueness, continuous dependence of solutions on given functions. The right hand sides of the equations satisfy nonlinear estimates of the Perron type with respect to the unknown functions. The results are...

Competition of Species with Intra-Specific Competition

N. Apreutesei, A. Ducrot, V. Volpert (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Intra-specific competition in population dynamics can be described by integro-differential equations where the integral term corresponds to nonlocal consumption of resources by individuals of the same population. Already the single integro-differential equation can show the emergence of nonhomogeneous in space stationary structures and can be used to model the process of speciation, in particular, the emergence of biological species during evolution [S. Genieys et al., Math. Model. Nat. Phenom....

Convergence results for unbounded solutions of first order non-linear differential-functional equations

Henryk Leszczyński (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the Cauchy problem in an unbounded region for equations of the type either D t z ( t , x ) = f ( t , x , z ( t , x ) , z ( t , x ) , D x z ( t , x ) ) or D t z ( t , x ) = f ( t , x , z ( t , x ) , z , D x z ( t , x ) ) . We prove convergence of their difference analogues by means of recurrence inequalities in some wide classes of unbounded functions.

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