Displaying 4181 – 4200 of 4754

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The index of a vector field tangent to a hypersurface and the signature of the relative jacobian determinant

Xavier Gómez-Mont, Pavao Mardešić (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Given a real analytic vector field tangent to a hypersurface V with an algebraically isolated singularity we introduce a relative Jacobian determinant in the finite dimensional algebra B Ann B ( h ) associated with the singularity of the vector field on V . We show that the relative Jacobian generates a 1-dimensional non-zero minimal ideal. With its help we introduce a non-degenerate bilinear pairing, and its signature measures the size of this point with sign. The signature satisfies a law of conservation of...

The Lagrange rigid body motion

Tudor Ratiu, P. van Moerbeke (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We discuss the motion of the three-dimensional rigid body about a fixed point under the influence of gravity, more specifically from the point of view of its symplectic structures and its constants of the motion. An obvious symmetry reduces the problem to a Hamiltonian flow on a four-dimensional submanifold of s o ( 3 ) × s o ( 3 ) ; they are the customary Euler-Poisson equations. This symplectic manifold can also be regarded as a coadjoint orbit of the Lie algebra of the semi-direct product group S O ( 3 ) × s o ( 3 ) with its natural...

The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations for the waves in a compressible fluid with the Hall current.

Giulio Mattei (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In questo lavoro si ricavano: 1) l'equazione d'onda linearizzata, 2) la formulazione Lagrangiana, 3) la formulazione Hamiltoniana, nella teoria della propagazione ondosa in un fluido comprimibile descritto dalle equazioni della magnetofluidodinamica ideale in presenza di corrente Hall.

The Language of Caring: Quantitating Medical Practice Patterns using Symbolic Dynamics

J. Paladino, A. M. Kaynar, P. S. Crooke, J. R. Hotchkiss (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Real-world medical decisions rarely involve binary Ðsole condition present or absent- patterns of patient pathophysiology. Similarly, provider interventions are rarely unitary in nature: the clinician often undertakes multiple interventions simultaneously. Conventional approaches towards complex physiologic derangements and their associated management focus on the frequencies of joint appearances, treating the individual derangements of physiology...

Currently displaying 4181 – 4200 of 4754