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A generalization of semiflows on monomials

Hamid Kulosman, Alica Miller (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let K be a field, A = K [ X 1 , , X n ] and 𝕄 the set of monomials of A . It is well known that the set of monomial ideals of A is in a bijective correspondence with the set of all subsemiflows of the 𝕄 -semiflow 𝕄 . We generalize this to the case of term ideals of A = R [ X 1 , , X n ] , where R is a commutative Noetherian ring. A term ideal of A is an ideal of A generated by a family of terms c X 1 μ 1 X n μ n , where c R and μ 1 , , μ n are integers 0 .

A map maintaining the orbits of a given d -action

Bartosz Frej, Agata Kwaśnicka (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Giordano et al. (2010) showed that every minimal free d -action of a Cantor space X is orbit equivalent to some ℤ-action. Trying to avoid the K-theory used there and modifying Forrest’s (2000) construction of a Bratteli diagram, we show how to define a (one-dimensional) continuous and injective map F on X∖one point such that for a residual subset of X the orbits of F are the same as the orbits of a given minimal free d -action.

A survey on transitivity in discrete time dynamical systems. application to symbolic systems and related languages

Gianpiero Cattaneo, Alberto Dennunzio, Fabio Farina (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The main goal of this paper is the investigation of a relevant property which appears in the various definition of deterministic topological chaos for discrete time dynamical system: transitivity. Starting from the standard Devaney's notion of topological chaos based on regularity, transitivity, and sensitivity to the initial conditions, the critique formulated by Knudsen is taken into account in order to exclude periodic chaos from this definition. Transitivity (or some stronger versions of it)...

Amenability and Ramsey theory in the metric setting

Adriane Kaïchouh (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Moore [Fund. Math. 220 (2013)] characterizes the amenability of the automorphism groups of countable ultrahomogeneous structures by a Ramsey-type property. We extend this result to the automorphism groups of metric Fraïssé structures, which encompass all Polish groups. As an application, we prove that amenability is a G δ condition.

Amenability of linear-activity automaton groups

Gideon Amir, Omer Angel, Bálint Virág (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove that every linear-activity automaton group is amenable. The proof is based on showing that a random walk on a specially constructed degree 1 automaton group – the mother group – has asymptotic entropy 0. Our result answers an open question by Nekrashevych in the Kourovka notebook, and gives a partial answer to a question of Sidki.

Analysis of two step nilsequences

Bernard Host, Bryna Kra (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Nilsequences arose in the study of the multiple ergodic averages associated to Furstenberg’s proof of Szemerédi’s Theorem and have since played a role in problems in additive combinatorics. Nilsequences are a generalization of almost periodic sequences and we study which portions of the classical theory for almost periodic sequences can be generalized for two step nilsequences. We state and prove basic properties for two step nilsequences and give a classification scheme for them.

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