Characterization of saturation classes in
In this note, we prove that a real or complex Banach space is an -predual space if and only if every four-point subset of is centerable. The real case sharpens Rao’s result in [Chebyshev centers and centerable sets, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 130 (2002), no. 9, 2593–2598] and the complex case is closely related to the characterizations of -predual spaces by Lima [Complex Banach spaces whose duals are -spaces, Israel J. Math. 24 (1976), no. 1, 59–72].
Some characterizations of random approximations are obtained in a locally convex space through duality theory.
We give a full characterization of the closed one-codimensional subspaces of , in which every bounded set has a Chebyshev center. It turns out that one can consider equivalently only finite sets (even only three-point sets) in our case, but not in general. Such hyperplanes are exactly those which are either proximinal or norm-one complemented.
We apply the Chebyshev coefficients λf and λb, recently introduced by the authors, to obtain some results related to certain geometric properties of Banach spaces. We prove that a real normed space E is an L1-predual if and only if λf(E) = 1/2, and that if a (real or complex) normed space E is a P1 space, then λb(E) equals λb(K), where K is the ground field of E.