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Régularité Besov-Orlicz du temps local Brownien

Yue Hu, Mohamed Mellouk (2000)

Studia Mathematica

Let ( B t , t [ 0 , 1 ] ) be a linear Brownian motion starting from 0 and denote by ( L t ( x ) , t 0 , x ) its local time. We prove that the spatial trajectories of the Brownian local time have the same Besov-Orlicz regularity as the Brownian motion itself (i.e. for all t>0, a.s. the function x L t ( x ) belongs to the Besov-Orlicz space B M 2 , 1 / 2 with M 2 ( x ) = e | x | 2 - 1 ). Our result is optimal.

Régularité du temps local brownien dans les espaces de Besov-Orlicz

B. Boufoussi (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Let ( B t , t 0 ) be a linear Brownian motion and (L(t,x), t > 0, x ∈ ℝ) its local time. We prove that for all t > 0, the process (L(t,x), x ∈ [0,1]) belongs almost surely to the Besov-Orlicz space B M 1 , 1 / 2 with M 1 ( x ) = e | x | - 1 .

Relation between algebraic and geometric view on NURBS tensor product surfaces

Dalibor Martišek, Jana Procházková (2010)

Applications of Mathematics

NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) belong to special approximation curves and surfaces which are described by control points with weights and B-spline basis functions. They are often used in modern areas of computer graphics as free-form modelling, modelling of processes. In literature, NURBS surfaces are often called tensor product surfaces. In this article we try to explain the relationship between the classic algebraic point of view and the practical geometrical application on NURBS.

Remarks on an article of J.P. King

Heiner Gonska, Paula Piţul (2005)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The present note discusses an interesting positive linear operator which was recently introduced by J.P. King. New estimates in terms of the first and second modulus of continuity are given, and iterates of the operators are considered as well. For general King operators the second moments are minimized.

Remarks on the Hilbert transform and on some families of multiplier operators related to it.

Enrico Laeng (2007)

Collectanea Mathematica

We give an overview of the behavior of the classical Hilbert Transform H seen as an operator on Lp(R) and on weak-Lp(R), then we consider other operators related to H. In particular, we discuss various versions of Discrete Hilbert Transform and Fourier multipliers periodized in frequency, giving some partial results and stating some conjectures about their sharp bounds Lp(R) → Lp(R), for 1 < p < ∞.

Replicant compression coding in Besov spaces

Gérard Kerkyacharian, Dominique Picard (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We present here a new proof of the theorem of Birman and Solomyak on the metric entropy of the unit ball of a Besov space B π , q s on a regular domain of d . The result is: if s - d(1/π - 1/p)+> 0, then the Kolmogorov metric entropy satisfies H(ε) ~ ε-d/s. This proof takes advantage of the representation of such spaces on wavelet type bases and extends the result to more general spaces. The lower bound is a consequence of very simple probabilistic exponential inequalities. To prove the upper bound,...

Replicant compression coding in Besov spaces

Gérard Kerkyacharian, Dominique Picard (2003)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We present here a new proof of the theorem of Birman and Solomyak on the metric entropy of the unit ball of a Besov space B π , q s on a regular domain of d . The result is: if s - d ( 1 / π - 1 / p ) + > 0 , then the Kolmogorov metric entropy satisfies H ( ϵ ) ϵ - d / s . This...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 71