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Smoothness of the Green function for a special domain

Serkan Celik, Alexander Goncharov (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider a compact set K ⊂ ℝ in the form of the union of a sequence of segments. By means of nearly Chebyshev polynomials for K, the modulus of continuity of the Green functions g K is estimated. Markov’s constants of the corresponding set are evaluated.

Sobolev Type Decomposition of Paley-Wiener-Schwartz Space with Application to Sampling Theory

Dryanov, Dimiter (2007)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 94A12, 94A20, 30D20, 41A05.We characterize Paley-Wiener-Schwartz space of entire functions as a union of three-parametric linear normed subspaces determined by the type of the entire functions, their polynomial asymptotic on the real line, and the index p ≥ 1 of a Sobolev type Lp-summability on the real line with an appropriate weight function. An entire function belonging to a sub-space of the decomposition is exactly recovered by a sampling series, locally...

Sobre unos sistemas de números enteros algebraicos de D. S. Gorshkov y sus aplicaciones al cálculo.

Emiliano Aparicio Bernardo (1981)

Revista Matemática Hispanoamericana

El objeto del trabajo es la determinación de una cota superior del número real ρ definido comoρ = límn→∞ ρn ρn-n = MinPn∈Hn Max0≤x≤1 |Pn(X)|H n clase de polinomios no nulos con coeficientes en Z y grado menor o igual a n.En un artículo anterior (RMHA, 4 serie, t. XXXVIII, nº 6, 1978, pp. 259-270) el autor muestra que dado (λ1,...,λn) sistema completo de números reales algebraicos y algebraicamente conjugados, verificando:0 ≤ 1/λi+s ≤ 1 ∀i, ∃ s ∈ Zy definiendoδ = (∏i=1m |λi+s|)1/mse verifica ρ...

Solving a class of multivariate integration problems via Laplace techniques

Jean B. Lasserre, Eduardo S. Zeron (2001)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider the problem of calculating a closed form expression for the integral of a real-valued function f:ℝⁿ → ℝ on a set S. We specialize to the particular cases when S is a convex polyhedron or an ellipsoid, and the function f is either a generalized polynomial, an exponential of a linear form (including trigonometric polynomials) or an exponential of a quadratic form. Laplace transform techniques allow us to obtain either a closed form expression, or a series representation that can be handled...

Some Applications of new Modified q-Szász–Mirakyan Operators

Ramesh P. PATHAK, Shiv Kumar SAHOO (2015)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

This paper we introducing a new sequence of positive q-integral new Modified q-Szász-Mirakyan Operators. We show that it is a weighted approximation process in the polynomial space of continuous functions defined on [ 0 , ) . Weighted statistical approximation theorem, Korovkin-type theorems for fuzzy continuous functions, an estimate for the rate of convergence and some properties are also obtained for these operators.

Some approximation problems in semi-algebraic geometry

Shmuel Friedland, Małgorzata Stawiska (2015)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we deal with a best approximation of a vector with respect to a closed semi-algebraic set C in the space ℝⁿ endowed with a semi-algebraic norm ν. Under additional assumptions on ν we prove semi-algebraicity of the set of points of unique approximation and other sets associated with the distance to C. For C irreducible algebraic we study the critical point correspondence and introduce the ν-distance degree, generalizing the notion developed by other authors for the Euclidean norm. We...

Some approximation properties of the Kantorovich variant of the Bleimann, Butzer and Hahn operators

Grzegorz Nowak (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For some classes of functions f locally integrable in the sense of Lebesgue or Denjoy-Perron on the interval [ 0 ; ) , the Kantorovich type modification of the Bleimann, Butzer and Hahn operators is considered. The rate of pointwise convergence of these operators at the Lebesgue or Lebesgue-Denjoy points of f is estimated.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 226