Displaying 341 – 360 of 425

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Tractability of multivariate problems for weighted spaces of functions

H. Woźniakowski (2006)

Banach Center Publications

We survey recent results on tractability of multivariate problems. We mainly restrict ourselves to linear multivariate problems studied in the worst case setting. Typical examples include multivariate integration and function approximation for weighted spaces of smooth functions.

Transitivity of proximinality and norm attaining functionals

Darapaneni Narayana, T. S. S. R. K. Rao (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We study the question of when the set of norm attaining functionals on a Banach space is a linear space. We show that this property is preserved by factor reflexive proximinal subspaces in R ( 1 ) ˜ spaces and generally by taking quotients by proximinal subspaces. We show, for (ℓ₂) and c₀-direct sums of families of reflexive spaces, the transitivity of proximinality for factor reflexive subspaces. We also investigate the linear structure of the set of norm attaining functionals on hyperplanes of c₀ and...

Two-dimensional real symmetric spaces with maximal projection constant

Bruce Chalmers, Grzegorz Lewicki (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let V be a two-dimensional real symmetric space with unit ball having 8n extreme points. Let λ(V) denote the absolute projection constant of V. We show that λ ( V ) λ ( V n ) where V n is the space whose ball is a regular 8n-polygon. Also we reprove a result of [1] and [5] which states that 4 / π = λ ( l ( 2 ) ) λ ( V ) for any two-dimensional real symmetric space V.

Ultrasymmetric sequence spaces in approximation theory.

Evgeniy Pustylnik (2006)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let φ(t) be a positive increasing function and let Ê be an arbitrary sequence space, rearrangement-invariant with respect to the atomic measure µ(n) = 1/n. Let {an*} mean the decreasing rearrangement of a sequence {|an|}. A sequence space lφ,E with symmetric (quasi)norm || {φ(n)an*} ||Ê is called ultrasymmetric, because it is not only intermediate but also interpolation between the corresponding Lorentz and Marcinkiewicz spaces Λφ and Mφ. We study properties of the spaces lφ,E for all admissible...

Uniqueness of minimal projections onto two-dimensional subspaces

Boris Shekhtman, Lesław Skrzypek (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that minimal projections from L p (1 < p < ∞) onto any two-dimensional subspace are unique. This result complements the theorems of W. Odyniec ([OL, Theorem I.1.3], [O3]). We also investigate the minimal number of norming points for such projections.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 425