Convergence of Taylor series in Hardy and Besov spaces.
Let X be a rearrangement-invariant space of Lebesgue-measurable functions on , such as the classical Lebesgue, Lorentz or Orlicz spaces. Given a nonnegative, measurable (weight) function on , define . We investigate conditions on such a weight w that guarantee X(w) is an algebra under the convolution product F∗G defined at by ; more precisely, when for all F,G ∈ X(w).
We reduce the convolution of radius functions to that of 1-variable functions. Then we present formulas for computing convolutions of an abstract radius function on ℝ³ with various integral kernels - given by elementary or discontinuous functions. We also prove a theorem on the asymptotic behaviour of a convolution at infinity. Lastly, we deduce some estimates which enable us to find the asymptotics of the velocity and pressure of a fluid (described by the Navier-Stokes equations) in the boundary...
We give sufficient conditions on the kernel K for the convolution operator Tf = K ∗ f to be bounded on Hardy spaces , where G is a homogeneous group.
Let , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and for t > 0 and x = (x₁,...,xₙ) ∈ ℝⁿ, let , and . Let φ₁,...,φₙ be real functions in such that φ = (φ₁,..., φₙ) satisfies φ(t • x) = t ∘ φ(x). Let γ > 0 and let μ be the Borel measure on given by , where and dx denotes the Lebesgue measure on ℝⁿ. Let and let be the operator norm of from into , where the spaces are taken with respect to the Lebesgue measure. The type set is defined by . In the case for 1 ≤ i,k ≤ n we characterize the type set under...
Two important examples of q-deformed commutativity relations are: aa* - qa*a = 1, studied in particular by M. Bożejko and R. Speicher, and ab = qba, studied by T. H. Koornwinder and S. Majid. The second case includes the q-normality of operators, defined by S. Ôta (aa* = qa*a). These two frameworks give rise to different convolutions. In particular, in the second scheme, G. Carnovale and T. H. Koornwinder studied their q-convolution. In the present paper we consider another convolution of measures...
We generalize the classical coorbit space theory developed by Feichtinger and Gröchenig to quasi-Banach spaces. As a main result we provide atomic decompositions for coorbit spaces defined with respect to quasi-Banach spaces. These atomic decompositions are used to prove fast convergence rates of best n-term approximation schemes. We apply the abstract theory to time-frequency analysis of modulation spaces , 0 < p,q ≤ ∞.