Displaying 201 – 220 of 272

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Transferring L p eigenfunction bounds from S 2 n + 1 to hⁿ

Valentina Casarino, Paolo Ciatti (2009)

Studia Mathematica

By using the notion of contraction of Lie groups, we transfer L p - L ² estimates for joint spectral projectors from the unit complex sphere S 2 n + 1 in n + 1 to the reduced Heisenberg group hⁿ. In particular, we deduce some estimates recently obtained by H. Koch and F. Ricci on hⁿ. As a consequence, we prove, in the spirit of Sogge’s work, a discrete restriction theorem for the sub-Laplacian L on hⁿ.

Transformation de Fourier sur les espaces p ( L p )

Jean-Paul Bertrandias, Christian Dupuis (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous étudions d’abord la transformation de Fourier sur les espaces p ( L p ' ) qui sont formés de fonctions appartenant localement à L p ' et se comportant à l’infini comme des éléments de p . Si 1 p , p ' 2 , les transformées de Fourier des éléments de p ( L p ' ) appartiennent à q ' ( L q ) . Dans les autres cas, nous donnons quelques résultats partiels.Nous montrons ensuite que 2 ( L 1 ) est le plus grand espace vectoriel solide de fonctions mesurables sur lequel la transformation de Fourier puisse se définir par prolongement par continuité.

Transformée en paquets d'ondelettes des signaux stationnaires: comportement asymptotique des densités spectrales.

Loïc Hervé (1996)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We consider quadrature mirror filters, and the associated wavelet packet transform. Let X = {Xn}n∈Z be a stationary signal which has a continuous spectral density f. We prove that the 2n signals obtained from X by n iterations of the transform converge to white noises when n → +∞. If f is holderian, the convergence rate is exponential.

Translation averages of dyadic weights are not always good weights.

Lesley A. Ward (2002)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The process of translation averaging is known to improve dyadic BMO to the space BMO of functions of bounded mean oscillation, in the sense that the translation average of a family of dyadic BMO functions is necessarily a BMO function. The present work investigates the effect of translation averaging in other dyadic settings. We show that translation averages of dyadic doubling measures need not be doubling measures, translation averages of dyadic Muckenhoupt weights need not be Muckenhoupt weights,...

Translational averaging for completeness, characterization and oversampling of wavelets.

Richard S. Laugesen (2002)

Collectanea Mathematica

The single underlying method of averaging the wavelet functional over translates yields first a new completeness criterion for orthonormal wavelet systems, and then a unified treatment of known results on characterization of wavelets on the Fourier transform side, on preservation of frame bounds by oversampling, and on equivalence of affine and quasiaffine frames. The method applies to multiwavelet systems in all dimensions, to dilation matrices that are in some cases not expanding, and to dual...

Translation-invariant operators on Lorentz spaces L(1,q) with 0 < q < 1

Leonardo Colzani, Peter Sjögren (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We study convolution operators bounded on the non-normable Lorentz spaces L 1 , q of the real line and the torus. Here 0 < q < 1. On the real line, such an operator is given by convolution with a discrete measure, but on the torus a convolutor can also be an integrable function. We then give some necessary and some sufficient conditions for a measure or a function to be a convolutor on L 1 , q . In particular, when the positions of the atoms of a discrete measure are linearly independent over the rationals,...

Transmission of convergence

Neugebauer, Christoph J. (2003)

Nonlinear Analysis, Function Spaces and Applications

If E ( f ) = { x : lim sup f μ j ( x ) > lim inf f μ j ( x ) } , we examine the type of convergence of g k to f so that | E ( g k ) | M , k = 1 , 2 , , implies | E ( f ) | M .

Transplantation operators and Cesàro operators for the Hankel transform

Yuichi Kanjin (2006)

Studia Mathematica

The transplantation operators for the Hankel transform are considered. We prove that the transplantation operator maps an integrable function under certain conditions to an integrable function. As an application, we obtain the L¹-boundedness and H¹-boundedness of Cesàro operators for the Hankel transform.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 272