Displaying 281 – 300 of 3637

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Algebrability of the set of non-convergent Fourier series

Richard M. Aron, David Pérez-García, Juan B. Seoane-Sepúlveda (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We show that, given a set E ⊂ 𝕋 of measure zero, the set of continuous functions whose Fourier series expansion is divergent at any point t ∈ E is dense-algebrable, i.e. there exists an infinite-dimensional, infinitely generated dense subalgebra of 𝓒(𝕋) every non-zero element of which has a Fourier series expansion divergent in E.

Almost everywhere convergence of convolution powers on compact abelian groups

Jean-Pierre Conze, Michael Lin (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

It is well-known that a probability measure μ on the circle 𝕋 satisfies μ n * f - f d m p 0 for every f L p , every (some) p [ 1 , ) , if and only if | μ ^ ( n ) | l t ; 1 for every non-zero n ( μ is strictly aperiodic). In this paper we study the a.e. convergence of μ n * f for every f L p whenever p g t ; 1 . We prove a necessary and sufficient condition, in terms of the Fourier–Stieltjes coefficients of μ , for the strong sweeping out property (existence of a Borel set B with lim sup μ n * 1 B = 1 a.e. and lim inf μ n * 1 B = 0 a.e.). The results are extended to general compact Abelian groups G with Haar...

Almost Everywhere Convergence Of Convolution Powers Without Finite Second Moment

Christopher M. Wedrychowicz (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Bellow and Calderón proved that the sequence of convolution powers μ n f ( x ) = k μ n ( k ) f ( T k x ) converges a.e, when μ is a strictly aperiodic probability measure on such that the expectation is zero, E ( μ ) = 0 , and the second moment is finite, m 2 ( μ ) < . In this paper we extend this result to cases where m 2 ( μ ) = .

Almost everywhere summability of Laguerre series

Krzysztof Stempak (1991)

Studia Mathematica

We apply a construction of generalized twisted convolution to investigate almost everywhere summability of expansions with respect to the orthonormal system of functions n a ( x ) = ( n ! / Γ ( n + a + 1 ) ) 1 / 2 e - x / 2 L n a ( x ) , n = 0,1,2,..., in L 2 ( + , x a d x ) , a ≥ 0. We prove that the Cesàro means of order δ > a + 2/3 of any function f L p ( x a d x ) , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, converge to f a.e. The main tool we use is a Hardy-Littlewood type maximal operator associated with a generalized Euclidean convolution.

Almost everywhere summability of Laguerre series. II

K. Stempak (1992)

Studia Mathematica

Using methods from [9] we prove the almost everywhere convergence of the Cesàro means of Laguerre series associated with the system of Laguerre functions L n a ( x ) = ( n ! / Γ ( n + a + 1 ) ) 1 / 2 e - x / 2 x a / 2 L n a ( x ) , n = 0,1,2,..., a ≥ 0. The novel ingredient we add to our previous technique is the A p weights theory. We also take the opportunity to comment and slightly improve on our results from [9].

Almost periodic sequences and functions with given values

Michal Veselý (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

We present a method for constructing almost periodic sequences and functions with values in a metric space. Applying this method, we find almost periodic sequences and functions with prescribed values. Especially, for any totally bounded countable set  X in a metric space, it is proved the existence of an almost periodic sequence { ψ k } k such that { ψ k ; k } = X and ψ k = ψ k + l q ( k ) , l for all  k and some q ( k ) which depends on  k .

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 3637