An atomic theory of ergodic spaces
In the two-parameter setting, we say a function belongs to the mean little BMO if its mean over any interval and with respect to any of the two variables has uniformly bounded mean oscillation. This space has been recently introduced by S. Pott and the present author in relation to the multiplier algebra of the product BMO of Chang-Fefferman. We prove that the Cotlar-Sadosky space of functions of bounded mean oscillation is a strict subspace of the mean little BMO.
Let K be a Calderón-Zygmund kernel and P a real polynomial defined on ℝⁿ with P(0) = 0. We prove that convolution with Kexp(i/P) is continuous on L²(ℝⁿ) with bounds depending only on K, n and the degree of P, but not on the coefficients of P.
We show that for every there exists a weight such that the Lorentz Gamma space is reflexive, its lower Boyd and Zippin indices are equal to zero and its upper Boyd and Zippin indices are equal to one. As a consequence, the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is unbounded on the constructed reflexive space and on its associate space .
We show that there is a measure y defined on the hyperbolic plane and with polynomial growth, such that the centered maximal operator associated to y does not satisfy weak type (1, 1) bounds.
The existence of a continuous right inverse of the divergence operator in , 1 < p < ∞, is a well known result which is basic in the analysis of the Stokes equations. The object of this paper is to show that the continuity also holds for some weighted norms. Our results are valid for Ω ⊂ ℝⁿ a bounded domain which is star-shaped with respect to a ball B ⊂ Ω. The continuity results are obtained by using an explicit solution of the divergence equation and the classical theory of singular integrals...
We establish an exponential estimate for the relationship between the ergodic maximal function and the maximal operator associated with convolution powers of a probability measure.
Zernike polynomials have been widely used in the description and shape retrieval of 3D objects. These orthonormal polynomials allow for efficient description and reconstruction of objects that can be scaled to fit within the unit ball. However, maps defined within box-shaped regions ¶ for example, rectangular prisms or cubes ¶ are not well suited to representation by Zernike polynomials, because these functions are not orthogonal over such regions. In particular, the representations require many...
We study some operators originating from classical Littlewood-Paley theory. We consider their modification with respect to our discontinuous setup, where the underlying process is the product of a one-dimensional Brownian motion and a d-dimensional symmetric stable process. Two operators in focus are the G* and area functionals. Using the results obtained in our previous paper, we show that these operators are bounded on . Moreover, we generalize a classical multiplier theorem by weakening its...