Displaying 341 – 360 of 461

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An extension of an inequality due to Stein and Lepingle

Ferenc Weisz (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Hardy spaces consisting of adapted function sequences and generated by the q-variation and by the conditional q-variation are considered. Their dual spaces are characterized and an inequality due to Stein and Lepingle is extended.

An extension of typically-real functions and associated orthogonal polynomials

Iwona Naraniecka, Jan Szynal, Anna Tatarczak (2011)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

Two-parameters extension of the family of typically-real functions is studied. The definition is obtained by the Stjeltjes integral formula. The kernel function in this definition serves as a generating function for some family of orthogonal polynomials generalizing Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind. The results of this paper concern the exact region of local univalence, bounds for the radius of univalence, the coefficient problems within the considered family as well as the basic properties...

An extremal problem in Banach algebras

Anders Olofsson (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We study asymptotics of a class of extremal problems rₙ(A,ε) related to norm controlled inversion in Banach algebras. In a general setting we prove estimates that can be considered as quantitative refinements of a theorem of Jan-Erik Björk [1]. In the last section we specialize further and consider a class of analytic Beurling algebras. In particular, a question raised by Jan-Erik Björk in [1] is answered in the negative.

An improved bound for Kakeya type maximal functions.

Thomas Wolff (1995)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The purpose of this paper is to improve the known results (specifically [1]) concerning Lp boundedness of maximal functions formed using 1 x δ x ... x δ tubes.

An improved maximal inequality for 2D fractional order Schrödinger operators

Changxing Miao, Jianwei Yang, Jiqiang Zheng (2015)

Studia Mathematica

The local maximal operator for the Schrödinger operators of order α > 1 is shown to be bounded from H s ( ² ) to L² for any s > 3/8. This improves the previous result of Sjölin on the regularity of solutions to fractional order Schrödinger equations. Our method is inspired by Bourgain’s argument in the case of α = 2. The extension from α = 2 to general α > 1 faces three essential obstacles: the lack of Lee’s reduction lemma, the absence of the algebraic structure of the symbol and the inapplicable...

An inequality for the coefficients of a cosine polynomial

Horst Alzer (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove: If 1 2 + k = 1 n a k ( n ) cos ( k x ) 0 for all x [ 0 , 2 π ) , then 1 - a k ( n ) 1 2 k 2 n 2 for k = 1 , , n . The constant 1 / 2 is the best possible.

An intoduction to formal orthogonality and some of its applications.

Claude Brezinski (2002)


This paper is an introduction to formal orthogonal polynomials and their application to Padé approximation, Krylov subspace methods for the solution of systems of linear equations, and convergence acceleration methods. Some more general formal orthogonal polynomials, and the concept of biorthogonality and its applications are also discussed.

An inverse Sidon type inequality

S. Fridli (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Sidon proved the inequality named after him in 1939. It is an upper estimate for the integral norm of a linear combination of trigonometric Dirichlet kernels expressed in terms of the coefficients. Since the estimate has many applications for instance in L 1 convergence problems and summation methods with respect to trigonometric series, newer and newer improvements of the original inequality has been proved by several authors. Most of them are invariant with respect to the rearrangement of the coefficients....

An L q ( L ² ) -theory of the generalized Stokes resolvent system in infinite cylinders

Reinhard Farwig, Myong-Hwan Ri (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Estimates of the generalized Stokes resolvent system, i.e. with prescribed divergence, in an infinite cylinder Ω = Σ × ℝ with Σ n - 1 , a bounded domain of class C 1 , 1 , are obtained in the space L q ( ; L ² ( Σ ) ) , q ∈ (1,∞). As a preparation, spectral decompositions of vector-valued homogeneous Sobolev spaces are studied. The main theorem is proved using the techniques of Schauder decompositions, operator-valued multiplier functions and R-boundedness of operator families.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 461