Displaying 301 – 320 of 461

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Almost-periodic solutions in various metrics of higher-order differential equations with a nonlinear restoring term

Ján Andres, Alberto Maria Bersani, Lenka Radová (2006)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

Almost-periodic solutions in various metrics (Stepanov, Weyl, Besicovitch) of higher-order differential equations with a nonlinear Lipschitz-continuous restoring term are investigated. The main emphasis is focused on a Lipschitz constant which is the same as for uniformly almost-periodic solutions treated in [A1] and much better than those from our investigations for differential systems in [A2], [A3], [AB], [ABL], [AK]. The upper estimates of ε for ε -almost-periods of solutions and their derivatives...

Alternative characterisations of Lorentz-Karamata spaces

David Eric Edmunds, Bohumír Opic (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We present new formulae providing equivalent quasi-norms on Lorentz-Karamata spaces. Our results are based on properties of certain averaging operators on the cone of non-negative and non-increasing functions in convenient weighted Lebesgue spaces. We also illustrate connections between our results and mapping properties of such classical operators as the fractional maximal operator and the Riesz potential (and their variants) on the Lorentz-Karamata spaces.

An algebraic construction of discrete wavelet transforms

Jaroslav Kautský (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

Discrete wavelets are viewed as linear algebraic transforms given by banded orthogonal matrices which can be built up from small matrix blocks satisfying certain conditions. A generalization of the finite support Daubechies wavelets is discussed and some special cases promising more rapid signal reduction are derived.

An analogue of Gutzmer's formula for Hermite expansions

S. Thangavelu (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We prove an analogue of Gutzmer's formula for Hermite expansions. As a consequence we obtain a new proof of a characterisation of the image of L²(ℝⁿ) under the Hermite semigroup. We also obtain some new orthogonality relations for complexified Hermite functions.

An application of the Fourier transform to optimization of continuous 2-D systems

Vitali Dymkou, Michael Dymkov (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper uses the theory of entire functions to study the linear quadratic optimization problem for a class of continuous 2D systems. We show that in some cases optimal control can be given by an analytical formula. A simple method is also proposed to find an approximate solution with preassigned accuracy. Some application to the 1D optimization problem is presented, too. The obtained results form a theoretical background for the design problem of optimal controllers for relevant processes.

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 461