Elliptic biorthogonal polynomials connected with Hermite's continued fraction.
Elliptic functions, area integrals and the exponential square class on B₁(0) ⊆ ℝⁿ, n > 2
For two strictly elliptic operators L₀ and L₁ on the unit ball in ℝⁿ, whose coefficients have a difference function that satisfies a Carleson-type condition, it is shown that a pointwise comparison concerning Lusin area integrals is valid. This result is used to prove that if L₁u₁ = 0 in B₁(0) and then lies in the exponential square class whenever L₀ is an operator so that L₀u₀ = 0 and implies is in the exponential square class; here S is the Lusin area integral. The exponential square theorem,...
Elliptic Riesz operators on the weighted special atom spaces.
Embedding relations between local Hardy and modulation spaces
A sharp embedding relation between local Hardy spaces and modulation spaces is given.
Embeddings of concave functions and duals of Lorentz spaces.
A simple expression is presented that is equivalent to the norm of the Lpv → Lqu embedding of the cone of quasi-concave functions in the case 0 < q < p < ∞. The result is extended to more general cones and the case q = 1 is used to prove a reduction principle which shows that questions of boundedness of operators on these cones may be reduced to the boundedness of related operators on whole spaces. An equivalent norm for the dual of the Lorentz spaceΓp(v) = { f: ( ∫0∞ (f**)pv...
Endpoint boundedness for multilinear integral operators of some sublinear operators on Herz and Herz type Hardy spaces.
Endpoint bounds for convolution operators with singular measures
Let be the graph of the function defined by with 1< and let the measure on induced by the Euclidean area measure on S. In this paper we characterize the set of pairs (p,q) such that the convolution operator with is - bounded.
Endpoint bounds of square functions associated with Hankel multipliers
We prove endpoint bounds for the square function associated with radial Fourier multipliers acting on radial functions. This is a consequence of endpoint bounds for a corresponding square function for Hankel multipliers. We obtain a sharp Marcinkiewicz-type multiplier theorem for multivariate Hankel multipliers and bounds of maximal operators generated by Hankel multipliers as corollaries. The proof is built on techniques developed by Garrigós and Seeger for characterizations of Hankel multipliers....
Endpoint estimates and weighted norm inequalities for commutators of fractional integrals.
Endpoint estimates for multilinear commutator of Marcinkiewicz operator.
Endpoint estimates from restricted rearrangement inequalities.
Endpoint multiplier theorems of Marcinkiewicz type.
We establish sharp (H1,L1,q) and local (L logrL,L1,q) mapping properties for rough one-dimensional multipliers. In particular, we show that the multipliers in the Marcinkiewicz multiplier theorem map H1 to L1,∞ and L log1/2L to L1,∞, and that these estimates are sharp.
Energy of measures on compact Riemannian manifolds
We investigate the energy of measures (both positive and signed) on compact Riemannian manifolds. A formula is given relating the energy integral of a positive measure with the projections of the measure onto the eigenspaces of the Laplacian. This formula is analogous to the classical formula comparing the energy of a measure in Euclidean space with a weighted L² norm of its Fourier transform. We show that the boundedness of a modified energy integral for signed measures gives bounds on the Hausdorff...
Ensembles boréliens d'unicité et d'unicité au sens large
Soit (resp. ) l’ensemble des compacts d’unicité (resp. d’unicité au sens large) du tore . On montre qu’un borélien de dont tout sous-compact est dans est nécessairement contenu dans une réunion dénombrable de compacts de , et on montre que cette propriété n’est plus vraie quand on remplace par .Comme conséquence on obtient qu’un borélien qui est d’unicité est nécessairement maigre. On en déduit aussi l’existence d’un compact d’unicité qui ne peut être recouvert par une suite de compacts...
Ensembles de fréquences et fonctions presque périodiques
Ensembles de non synthèse pour certains poids dissymétriques sur la droite
Ensembles de Sidon topologiques
On étudie les ensembles de Sidon d’un groupe abélien localement compact et métrisable . Après avoir démontré des résultats sur la réunion, l’élargissement et la stabilité de ces ensembles lacunaires, on détaille le résultat fondamental de ce travail : lorsque le dual de est connexe, toute partie compacte d’intérieur non vide de est associée à tout ensemble de Sidon de . Autrement dit, étant donné un compact d’intérieur non vide de , toute fonction bornée à valeurs complexes définie sur...
Entire functions and logarithmic sums over nonsymmetric sets of the real line.
Entrelacement de co-Poisson
On connaît le lien intime qui existe entre les équations fonctionnelles des fonctions et les formules sommatoires dont le prototype est donné par celle de Poisson. Ce lien fait intervenir la transformation intégrale de Fourier et ses généralisations. Ici, nous réexaminons la signification harmonique (ainsi qu’hilbertienne et distributionnelle) des équations fonctionnelles ayant la forme la plus simple, à savoir, celle s’appliquant pour la fonction dzêta de Riemann et les séries de Dirichlet...