Displaying 81 – 100 of 142

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Monotonic rearrangements of functions with small mean oscillation

Dmitriy M. Stolyarov, Vasily I. Vasyunin, Pavel B. Zatitskiy (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We obtain sharp bounds for the monotonic rearrangement operator from "dyadic-type" classes to "continuous" ones; in particular, for the BMO space and Muckenhoupt classes. The idea is to connect the problem with a simple geometric construction named α-extension.

Moyenne de localisation fréquentielle des paquets d'ondelettes.

Ai Hua Fan (1998)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

En utilisant le théorème de Ruelle d'opérateur de transfert, nous démontrons que la moyenne 2-k Σn=02k-1 ||^wn||L1 de la localisation fréquentielle pour les paquets d'ondelettes admet un équivalent de la forme cρk (c > 0, 1 < ρ < √2). Cela améliore une inégalité antérieurement obtenue par Coifman, Meyer et Wickerhauser. Des estimations numériques de ρ sont obtenues pour des filtres de Daubechies.

Moyennes sphériques et opérateur de Helmholtz itéré

Francisco Vieli (1995)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Il est bien connu qu’une fonction f sur n est harmonique - Δf = 0 - si et seulement si sa moyenne sur toute sphère est égale à sa valeur au centre de cette sphère. De manière semblable, f vérifie l’équation de Helmholtz Δf + cf = 0 si et seulement si sa moyenne sur la sphère de centre x et de rayon r vaut Γ ( n / 2 ) ( r c / 2 ) ( 2 - n ) / 2 J ( n - 2 ) / 2 ( r c ) · f ( x ) . Dans ce travail, nous généralisons ces résultats à l’opérateur ( Δ + c ) k où k est un entier strictement positif et c une constante non nulle. Bien qu’une méthode pour y parvenir soit esquissée dans...

MRA super-wavelets.

Bildea, Stefan, Dutkay, Dorin Ervin, Picioroaga, Gabriel (2005)

The New York Journal of Mathematics [electronic only]

Muckenhoupt-Wheeden conjectures in higher dimensions

Alberto Criado, Fernando Soria (2016)

Studia Mathematica

In recent work by Reguera and Thiele (2012) and by Reguera and Scurry (2013), two conjectures about joint weighted estimates for Calderón-Zygmund operators and the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function were refuted in the one-dimensional case. One of the key ingredients for these results is the construction of weights for which the value of the Hilbert transform is substantially bigger than that of the maximal function. In this work, we show that a similar construction is possible for classical Calderón-Zygmund...

Multidimensional analogue of the van der Corput-Visser inequality and its application to the estimation of the Bohr radius

L. Aizenberg, E. Liflyand, A. Vidras (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We present a multidimensional analogue of an inequality by van der Corput-Visser concerning the coefficients of a real trigonometric polynomial. As an application, we obtain an improved estimate from below of the Bohr radius for the hypercone 𝓓₁ⁿ = {z ∈ ℂⁿ: |z₁|+. .. +|zₙ| < 1} when 3 ≤ n ≤ 10.

Multidimensional decay in the van der Corput lemma

Michael Ruzhansky (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We establish a multidimensional decay of oscillatory integrals with degenerate stationary points, gaining the decay with respect to all space variables. This bridges the gap between the one-dimensional decay for degenerate stationary points given by the classical van der Corput lemma and the multidimensional decay for non-degenerate stationary points given by the stationary phase method. Complex-valued phase functions as well as phases and amplitudes of limited regularity are considered. Conditions...

Multi-dimensional Fejér summability and local Hardy spaces

Ferenc Weisz (2009)

Studia Mathematica

It is proved that the multi-dimensional maximal Fejér operator defined in a cone is bounded from the amalgam Hardy space W ( h p , ) to W ( L p , ) . This implies the almost everywhere convergence of the Fejér means in a cone for all f W ( L , ) , which is larger than L ( d ) .

Multifractal analysis of the divergence of Fourier series

Frédéric Bayart, Yanick Heurteaux (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

A famous theorem of Carleson says that, given any function f L p ( 𝕋 ) , p ( 1 , + ) , its Fourier series ( S n f ( x ) ) converges for almost every x 𝕋 . Beside this property, the series may diverge at some point, without exceeding O ( n 1 / p ) . We define the divergence index at  x as the infimum of the positive real numbers β such that S n f ( x ) = O ( n β ) and we are interested in the size of the exceptional sets E β , namely the sets of  x 𝕋 with divergence index equal to  β . We show that quasi-all functions in  L p ( 𝕋 ) have a multifractal behavior with respect to this definition....

Multilinear almost diagonal estimates and applications

Árpád Bényi, Nikolaos Tzirakis (2004)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that an almost diagonal condition on the (m + 1)-linear tensor associated to an m-linear operator implies boundedness of the operator on products of classical function spaces. We then provide applications to the study of certain singular integral operators.

Multilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators on weighted Hardy spaces

Wenjuan Li, Qingying Xue, Kôzô Yabuta (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Grafakos-Kalton [Collect. Math. 52 (2001)] discussed the boundedness of multilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators on the product of Hardy spaces. Then Lerner et al. [Adv. Math. 220 (2009)] defined A p weights and built a theory of weights adapted to multilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators. In this paper, we combine the above results and obtain some estimates for multilinear Calderón-Zygmund operators on weighted Hardy spaces and also obtain a weighted multilinear version of an inequality for multilinear...

Multilinear commutators for fractional integrals in non-homogeneous spaces.

Guoen Hu, Yan Meng, Dachung Yang (2004)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Under the assumption that m is a non-doubling measure on Rd, the authors obtain the (Lp,Lq)-boundedness and the weak type endpoint estimate for the multilinear commutators generated by fractional integrals with RBMO (m) functions of Tolsa or with Osc exp Lr(m) functions for r greater than or equal to 1, where Osc exp Lr(m) is a space of Orlicz type satisfying that Osc exp Lr(m)=RBMO(m) if r=1 and Osc exp Lr(m) is a subset of RBMO(m) if r&gt;1.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 142