Displaying 101 – 120 of 560

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On convolution operators with small support which are far from being convolution by a bounded measure

Edmond Granirer (1994)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let C V p ( F ) be the left convolution operators on L p ( G ) with support included in F and M p ( F ) denote those which are norm limits of convolution by bounded measures in M(F). Conditions on F are given which insure that C V p ( F ) , C V p ( F ) / M p ( F ) and C V p ( F ) / W are as big as they can be, namely have l as a quotient, where the ergodic space W contains, and at times is very big relative to M p ( F ) . Other subspaces of C V p ( F ) are considered. These improve results of Cowling and Fournier, Price and Edwards, Lust-Piquard, and others.

On differentiation of integrals with respect to bases of convex sets.

A. Stokolos (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Differentiation of integrals of functions from the class L i p ( 1 , 1 ) ( I 2 ) with respect to the basis of convex sets is established. An estimate of the rate of differentiation is given. It is also shown that there exist functions in L i p ( 1 , 1 ) ( I N ) , N ≥ 3, and H 1 ω ( I 2 ) with ω(δ)/δ → ∞ as δ → +0 whose integrals are not differentiated with respect to the bases of convex sets in the corresponding dimension.

On discrete Fourier spectrum of a harmonic with random frequency modulation

Waldemar Popiński (2013)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Asymptotic properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform spectrum of a complex monochromatic oscillation with frequency randomly distorted at the observation times t=0,1,..., n-1 by a series of independent and identically distributed fluctuations is investigated. It is proved that the second moments of the spectrum at the discrete Fourier frequencies converge uniformly to zero as n → ∞ for certain frequency fluctuation distributions. The observed effect occurs even for frequency fluctuations with...

On Entropy Bumps for Calderón-Zygmund Operators

Michael T. Lacey, Scott Spencer (2015)

Concrete Operators

We study twoweight inequalities in the recent innovative language of ‘entropy’ due to Treil-Volberg. The inequalities are extended to Lp, for 1 < p ≠ 2 < ∞, with new short proofs. A result proved is as follows. Let ℇ be a monotonic increasing function on (1,∞) which satisfy [...] Let σ and w be two weights on Rd. If this supremum is finite, for a choice of 1 < p < ∞, [...] then any Calderón-Zygmund operator T satisfies the bound [...]

On Entropy Bumps for Calderón-Zygmund Operators

Michael T. Lacey, Scott Spencer (2015)

Concrete Operators

We study twoweight inequalities in the recent innovative language of ‘entropy’ due to Treil-Volberg. The inequalities are extended to Lp, for 1 < p ≠ 2 < ∞, with new short proofs. A result proved is as follows. Let ɛ be a monotonic increasing function on (1,∞) which satisfy [...] Let σ and w be two weights on ℝd. If this supremum is finite, for a choice of 1 < p < ∞, [...] then any Calderón-Zygmund operator T satisfies the bound ||Tof||Lp(w) ≲ ||f|| Lp(o).

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 560