Displaying 1621 – 1640 of 3648

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Multivariate spectral multipliers for systems of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators

Błażej Wróbel (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Multivariate spectral multipliers for systems of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators are studied. We prove that L p -uniform, 1 < p < ∞, spectral multipliers extend to holomorphic functions in some subset of a polysector, depending on p. We also characterize L¹-uniform spectral multipliers and prove a Marcinkiewicz-type multiplier theorem. In the appendix we obtain analogous results for systems of Laguerre operators.

Musielak-Orlicz-Hardy Spaces Associated with Operators Satisfying Reinforced Off-Diagonal Estimates

The Anh Bui, Jun Cao, Luong Dang Ky, Dachun Yang, Sibei Yang (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

Let X be a metric space with doubling measure and L a one-to-one operator of type ω having a bounded H∞ -functional calculus in L2(X) satisfying the reinforced (pL; qL) off-diagonal estimates on balls, where pL ∊ [1; 2) and qL ∊ (2;∞]. Let φ : X × [0;∞) → [0;∞) be a function such that φ (x;·) is an Orlicz function, φ(·;t) ∊ A∞(X) (the class of uniformly Muckenhoupt weights), its uniformly critical upper type index l(φ) ∊ (0;1] and φ(·; t) satisfies the uniformly reverse Hölder inequality of order...

Necessary and sufficient conditions for boundedness of the maximal operator in local Morrey-type spaces

Viktor I. Burenkov, Huseyn V. Guliyev (2004)

Studia Mathematica

The problem of boundedness of the Hardy-Littewood maximal operator in local and global Morrey-type spaces is reduced to the problem of boundedness of the Hardy operator in weighted L p -spaces on the cone of non-negative non-increasing functions. This allows obtaining sufficient conditions for boundedness for all admissible values of the parameters. Moreover, in case of local Morrey-type spaces, for some values of the parameters, these sufficient conditions are also necessary.

Necessary conditions for the L p -convergence ( 0 < p < 1 ) of single and double trigonometric series

Xhevat Z. Krasniqi, Péter Kórus, Ferenc Móricz (2014)

Mathematica Bohemica

We give necessary conditions in terms of the coefficients for the convergence of a double trigonometric series in the L p -metric, where 0 < p < 1 . The results and their proofs have been motivated by the recent papers of A. S. Belov (2008) and F. Móricz (2010). Our basic tools in the proofs are the Hardy-Littlewood inequality for functions in H p and the Bernstein-Zygmund inequalities for the derivatives of trigonometric polynomials and their conjugates in the L p -metric, where 0 < p < 1 .

New Calderón-Zygmund decomposition for Sobolev functions

N. Badr, F. Bernicot (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give a new Calderón-Zygmund decomposition for Sobolev spaces on a doubling Riemannian manifold. Our hypotheses are weaker than those of the already known decomposition which used classical Poincaré inequalities.

New estimates for elliptic equations and Hodge type systems

Jean Bourgain, Haïm Brezis (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We establish new estimates for the Laplacian, the div-curl system, and more general Hodge systems in arbitrary dimension n , with data in L 1 . We also present related results concerning differential forms with coefficients in the limiting Sobolev space W 1 , n .

Currently displaying 1621 – 1640 of 3648