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Rough Marcinkiewicz integral operators on product spaces.

Hussein M. Al-Qassem (2005)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper, we study the Marcinkiewicz integral operators MΩ,h on the product space Rn x Rm. We prove that MΩ,h is bounded on Lp(Rn x Rm) (1< p < ∞) provided that h is a bounded radial function and Ω is a function in certain block space Bq(0,0) (Sn−1 x Sm−1) for some q > 1. We also establish the optimality of our condition in the sense that the space Bq(0,0) (Sn−1 x Sm−1) cannot be replaced by Bq(0,r) (Sn−1 x Sm−1) for any −1 < r < 0. Our results improve some...

Rough maximal functions and rough singular integral operators applied to integrable radial functions.

Peter Sjögren, Fernando Soria (1997)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Let Ω be homogeneous of degree 0 in Rn and integrable on the unit sphere. A rough maximal operator is obtained by inserting a factor Ω in the definition of the ordinary maximal function. Rough singular integral operators are given by principal value kernels Ω(y) / |y|n, provided that the mean value of Ω vanishes. In an earlier paper, the authors showed that a two-dimensional rough maximal operator is of weak type (1,1) when restricted to radial functions. This result is now extended to arbitrary...

Rough Maximal Oscillatory Singular Integral Operators

Al-Salman, Ahmad (2005)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42B20; Secondary 42B15, 42B25In this paper, we establish the L^p boundedness of certain maximal oscillatory singular integral operators with rough kernels belonging to certain block spaces. Our L^p boundedness result improves previously known results.

Rough oscillatory singular integrals on ℝⁿ

Hussain Mohammad Al-Qassem, Leslie Cheng, Yibiao Pan (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We establish sharp bounds for oscillatory singular integrals with an arbitrary real polynomial phase P. The kernels are allowed to be rough both on the unit sphere and in the radial direction. We show that the bounds grow no faster than log deg(P), which is optimal and was first obtained by Papadimitrakis and Parissis (2010) for kernels without any radial roughness. Among key ingredients of our methods are an L¹ → L² estimate and extrapolation.

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