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The Riesz kernels do not give rise to higher dimensional analogues of the Menger-Melnikov curvature.

Hany M. Farag (1999)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Ever since the discovery of the connection between the Menger-Melnikov curvature and the Cauchy kernel in the L2 norm, and its impressive utility in the analytic capacity problem, higher dimensional analogues have been coveted. The lesson from 1-sets was that any such (nontrivial, nonnegative) expression, using the Riesz kernels for m-sets in Rn, even in any Lk norm (k ∈ N), would probably carry nontrivial information on whether the boundedness of these kernels in the appropriate norm implies rectifiability...

The solution of the Kato problem in two dimensions.

Steve Hofmann, Alan McIntosh (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We solve, in two dimensions, the "square root problem of Kato". That is, for L ≡ -div (A(x)∇), where A(x) is a 2 x 2 accretive matrix of bounded measurable complex coefficients, we prove that L1/2: L12(R2) → L2(R2).[Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations, El Escorial (Madrid), 2002].

The Stein-Weiss Type Inequality for Fractional Integrals, Associated with the Laplace-Bessel Differential Operator

Gadjiev, Akif, Guliyev, Vagif (2008)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Math. Subject Classification: Primary 42B20, 42B25, 42B35In this paper we study the Riesz potentials (B -Riesz potentials) generated by the Laplace-Bessel differential operator ∆B.* Akif Gadjiev’s research is partially supported by the grant of INTAS (project 06-1000017-8792) and Vagif Guliyev’s research is partially supported by the grant of the Azerbaijan–U.S. Bilateral Grants Program II (project ANSF Award / 16071) and by the grant of INTAS (project 05-1000008-8157).

The traveling salesman problem and harmonic analysis.

Peter W. Jones (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we propose to discuss some relationships between the classical Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), Litlewood-Paley theory, and harmonic measure. This circle of ideas is also closely related to the theory of Cauchy integrals on Lipschitz graphs, and this aspect is discussed more fully in the paper of David and Semmes [2] in this proceedings. The main differences between the subjects in [2] and this paper are that the results here are valid for one dimensional sets, whereas [2] treats...

The trilinear embedding theorem

Hitoshi Tanaka (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Let σ i , i = 1,2,3, denote positive Borel measures on ℝⁿ, let denote the usual collection of dyadic cubes in ℝⁿ and let K: → [0,∞) be a map. We give a characterization of a trilinear embedding theorem, that is, of the inequality Q K ( Q ) i = 1 3 | Q f i d σ i | C i = 1 3 | | f i | | L p i ( d σ i ) in terms of a discrete Wolff potential and Sawyer’s checking condition, when 1 < p₁,p₂,p₃ < ∞ and 1/p₁ + 1/p₂ + 1/p₃ ≥ 1.

The type set for homogeneous singular measures on ℝ ³ of polynomial type

E. Ferreyra, T. Godoy (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let φ:ℝ ² → ℝ be a homogeneous polynomial function of degree m ≥ 2, let μ be the Borel measure on ℝ ³ defined by μ ( E ) = D χ E ( x , φ ( x ) ) d x with D = x ∈ ℝ ²:|x| ≤ 1 and let T μ be the convolution operator with the measure μ. Let φ = φ e φ e be the decomposition of φ into irreducible factors. We show that if e i m / 2 for each φ i of degree 1, then the type set E μ : = ( 1 / p , 1 / q ) [ 0 , 1 ] × [ 0 , 1 ] : | | T μ | | p , q < can be explicitly described as a closed polygonal region.

The type set for some measures on 2 n with n -dimensional support

E. Ferreyra, T. Godoy, Marta Urciuolo (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ϕ 1 , , ϕ n be real homogeneous functions in C ( n - { 0 } ) of degree k 2 , let ϕ ( x ) = ( ϕ 1 ( x ) , , ϕ n ( x ) ) and let μ be the Borel measure on 2 n given by μ ( E ) = n χ E ( x , ϕ ( x ) ) | x | γ - n d x where d x denotes the Lebesgue measure on n and γ > 0 . Let T μ be the convolution operator T μ f ( x ) = ( μ * f ) ( x ) and let E μ = { ( 1 / p , 1 / q ) T μ p , q < , 1 p , q } . Assume that, for x 0 , the following two conditions hold: det ( d 2 ϕ ( x ) h ) vanishes only at h = 0 and det ( d ϕ ( x ) ) 0 . In this paper we show that if γ > n ( k + 1 ) / 3 then E μ is the empty set and if γ n ( k + 1 ) / 3 then E μ is the closed segment with endpoints D = 1 - γ n ( k + 1 ) , 1 - 2 γ n ( k + 1 ) and D ' = 2 γ n ( 1 + k ) , γ n ( 1 + k ) . Also, we give some examples.

Two problems associated with convex finite type domains.

Alexander Iosevich, Eric Sawyer, Andreas Seeger (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We use scaling properties of convex surfaces of finite line type to derive new estimates for two problems arising in harmonic analysis. For Riesz means associated to such surfaces we obtain sharp Lp estimates for p &gt; 4, generalizing the Carleson-Sjölin theorem. Moreover we obtain estimates for the remainder term in the lattice point problem associated to convex bodies; these estimates are sharp in some instances involving sufficiently flat boundaries.

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