Displaying 21 – 40 of 89

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Recovery of band-limited functions on locally compact Abelian groups from irregular samples

H. G. Feichtinger, S. S. Pandey (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Using the techniques of approximation and factorization of convolution operators we study the problem of irregular sampling of band-limited functions on a locally compact Abelian group G . The results of this paper relate to earlier work by Feichtinger and Gröchenig in a similar way as Kluvánek’s work published in 1969 relates to the classical Shannon Sampling Theorem. Generally speaking we claim that reconstruction is possible as long as there is sufficient high sampling density. Moreover, the iterative...

Reducible representations of abelian groups

Aharon Atzmon (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A criterion for reducibility of certain representations of abelian groups is established. Among the applications of this criterion, we give a positive answer to the translation invariant subspace problem for weighted L p spaces on locally compact abelian groups, for even weights and 1 < p < .

Refined Hardy inequalities

Hajer Bahouri, Jean-Yves Chemin, Isabelle Gallagher (2006)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

The aim of this article is to present “refined” Hardy-type inequalities. Those inequalities are generalisations of the usual Hardy inequalities, their additional feature being that they are invariant under oscillations: when applied to highly oscillatory functions, both sides of the refined inequality are of the same order of magnitude. The proof relies on paradifferential calculus and Besov spaces. It is also adapted to the case of the Heisenberg group.

Reflexively representable but not Hilbert representable compact flows and semitopological semigroups

Michael Megrelishvili (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that for many natural topological groups G (including the group ℤ of integers) there exist compact metric G-spaces (cascades for G = ℤ) which are reflexively representable but not Hilbert representable. This answers a question of T. Downarowicz. The proof is based on a classical example of W. Rudin and its generalizations. A~crucial step in the proof is our recent result which states that every weakly almost periodic function on a compact G-flow X comes from a G-representation of X on reflexive...

Regular orbital measures on Lie algebras

Alex Wright (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let H₀ be a regular element of an irreducible Lie algebra , and let μ H be the orbital measure supported on O H . We show that μ ̂ H k L ² ( ) if and only if k > dim /(dim - rank ).

Regularity of convex functions on Heisenberg groups

Zoltán M. Balogh, Matthieu Rickly (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We discuss differentiability properties of convex functions on Heisenberg groups. We show that the notions of horizontal convexity (h-convexity) and viscosity convexity (v-convexity) are equivalent and that h-convex functions are locally Lipschitz continuous. Finally we exhibit Weierstrass-type h-convex functions which are nowhere differentiable in the vertical direction on a dense set or on a Cantor set of vertical lines.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 89