Displaying 1101 – 1120 of 2299

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Module maps over locally compact quantum groups

Zhiguo Hu, Matthias Neufang, Zhong-Jin Ruan (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We study locally compact quantum groups and their module maps through a general Banach algebra approach. As applications, we obtain various characterizations of compactness and discreteness, which in particular generalize a result by Lau (1978) and recover another one by Runde (2008). Properties of module maps on L ( ) are used to characterize strong Arens irregularity of L₁() and are linked to commutation relations over with several double commutant theorems established. We prove the quantum group...

Module ( ϕ , ψ ) -amenability of Banach algebras

Abasalt Bodaghi (2010)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let S be an inverse semigroup with the set of idempotents E and S / be an appropriate group homomorphic image of S . In this paper we find a one-to-one correspondence between two cohomology groups of the group algebra 1 ( S ) and the semigroup algebra 1 ( S / ) with coefficients in the same space. As a consequence, we prove that S is amenable if and only if S / is amenable. This could be considered as the same result of Duncan and Namioka [5] with another method which asserts that the inverse semigroup S is amenable...

More on the Kechris-Pestov-Todorcevic correspondence: Precompact expansions

L. Nguyen Van Thé (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In 2005, the paper [KPT05] by Kechris, Pestov and Todorcevic provided a powerful tool to compute an invariant of topological groups known as the universal minimal flow. This immediately led to an explicit representation of this invariant in many concrete cases. However, in some particular situations, the framework of [KPT05] does not allow one to perform the computation directly, but only after a slight modification of the original argument. The purpose of the present paper is to supplement [KPT05]...

Moser-Trudinger and logarithmic HLS inequalities for systems

Itai Shafrir, Gershon Wolansky (2005)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove several optimal Moser–Trudinger and logarithmic Hardy–Littlewood–Sobolev inequalities for systems in two dimensions. These include inequalities on the sphere S 2 , on a bounded domain Ω 2 and on all of 2 . In some cases we also address the question of existence of minimizers.

Moyennabilité intérieure et extensions HNN

Yves Stalder (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

On présente des conditions suffisantes pour qu’une extension HNN soit intérieurement moyennable, respectivement CCI, qui donnent des critères nécessaires et suffisants parmi les groupes de Baumslag-Solitar. On en déduit qu’un tel groupe, vu comme groupe d’automorphismes de son arbre de Bass-Serre, possède des éléments non triviaux qui fixent des sous-arbres non bornés.

Moyennes sphériques et opérateur de Helmholtz itéré

Francisco Vieli (1995)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Il est bien connu qu’une fonction f sur n est harmonique - Δf = 0 - si et seulement si sa moyenne sur toute sphère est égale à sa valeur au centre de cette sphère. De manière semblable, f vérifie l’équation de Helmholtz Δf + cf = 0 si et seulement si sa moyenne sur la sphère de centre x et de rayon r vaut Γ ( n / 2 ) ( r c / 2 ) ( 2 - n ) / 2 J ( n - 2 ) / 2 ( r c ) · f ( x ) . Dans ce travail, nous généralisons ces résultats à l’opérateur ( Δ + c ) k où k est un entier strictement positif et c une constante non nulle. Bien qu’une méthode pour y parvenir soit esquissée dans...

Multidimensional Heisenberg convolutions and product formulas for multivariate Laguerre polynomials

Michael Voit (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let p,q be positive integers. The groups U p ( ) and U p ( ) × U q ( ) act on the Heisenberg group H p , q : = M p , q ( ) × canonically as groups of automorphisms, where M p , q ( ) is the vector space of all complex p × q matrices. The associated orbit spaces may be identified with Π q × and Ξ q × respectively, Π q being the cone of positive semidefinite matrices and Ξ q the Weyl chamber x q : x x q 0 . In this paper we compute the associated convolutions on Π q × and Ξ q × explicitly, depending on p. Moreover, we extend these convolutions by analytic continuation to series of convolution...

Currently displaying 1101 – 1120 of 2299