Displaying 161 – 180 of 212

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Topics on Kronecker sets

Robert Kaufman (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We obtain three theorems about transformation of sets of multiplicity onto Kronecker sets, by means of functions of various differentiability classes. The same method yields an improved theorem on the union of two Kronecker sets.

Topological Dichotomy and Unconditional Convergence

Lefevre, Pascal (1999)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we give a criterion for unconditional convergence with respect to some summability methods, dealing with the topological size of the set of choices of sign providing convergence. We obtain similar results for boundedness. In particular, quasi-sure unconditional convergence implies unconditional convergence.

Transference for hypergroups.

Giacomo Gigante (2001)

Collectanea Mathematica

A transference theorem for convolution operators is proved for certain families of one-dimensional hypergroups.

Transference theory onHardy and Sobolev spaces

Maria Carro, Javier Soria (1997)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that the transference method of Coifman and Weiss can be extended to Hardy and Sobolev spaces. As an application we obtain the de Leeuw restriction theorems for multipliers.

Transferring L p eigenfunction bounds from S 2 n + 1 to hⁿ

Valentina Casarino, Paolo Ciatti (2009)

Studia Mathematica

By using the notion of contraction of Lie groups, we transfer L p - L ² estimates for joint spectral projectors from the unit complex sphere S 2 n + 1 in n + 1 to the reduced Heisenberg group hⁿ. In particular, we deduce some estimates recently obtained by H. Koch and F. Ricci on hⁿ. As a consequence, we prove, in the spirit of Sogge’s work, a discrete restriction theorem for the sub-Laplacian L on hⁿ.

Transferring L p multipliers

Anthony H. Dooley (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

By combining some results of C. S. Herz on the Fourier algebra with the notion of contractions of Lie groups, we prove theorems which allow transference of L p multipliers either from the Lie algebra or from the Cartan motion group associated to a compact Lie group to the group itself.

Transformation de Poisson sur un arbre localement fini

Ferdaous Kellil, Guy Rousseau (2005)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Dans cet article on étudie en premier lieu la résolvante (le noyau de Green) d’un opérateur agissant sur un arbre localement fini. Ce noyau est supposé invariant par un groupe G d’automorphismes de l’arbre. On donne l’expression générique de cette résolvante et on établit des simplifications sous différentes hypothèses sur G .En second lieu on introduit la transformation de Poisson qui associe à une mesure additive finie sur l’espace Ω des bouts de l’arbre une fonction propre de l’ opérateur. On...

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