Displaying 61 – 80 of 131

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On K-transform.

Nasim, C. (1981)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

On some structural properties of Banach function spaces and boundedness of certain integral operators

T. S. Kopaliani (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper the notions of uniformly upper and uniformly lower -estimates for Banach function spaces are introduced. Further, the pair ( X , Y ) of Banach function spaces is characterized, where X and Y satisfy uniformly a lower -estimate and uniformly an upper -estimate, respectively. The integral operator from X into Y of the form K f ( x ) = ϕ ( x ) 0 x k ( x , y ) f ( y ) ψ ( y ) d y is studied, where k , ϕ , ψ are prescribed functions under some local integrability conditions, the kernel k is non-negative and is assumed to satisfy certain additional...

Opérateurs intégro-différentiels méromorphes et opérateurs aux différences

Anne Duval (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On introduit une classe d’opérateurs intégro-différentiels d’ordre infini, à coefficients méromorphes et pour lesquels les séries majorantes sont de type Dirichlet. On établit des résultats algébriques : caractérisation des éléments inversibles, théorèmes de division et de préparation. En les faisant opérer sur divers espaces de séries et de fonctions on obtient des théorèmes d’indices et des résultats de surjectivité. Après transformation de Mellin ces opérateurs permettent d’étudier les “solutions”...

Spectra of partial integral operators with a kernel of three variables

Yusup Eshkabilov (2008)

Open Mathematics

Let Ω= [a, b] × [c, d] and T 1, T 2 be partial integral operators in C (Ω): (T 1 f)(x, y) = a b k 1(x, s, y)f(s, y)ds, (T 2 f)(x, y) = c d k 2(x, ts, y)f(t, y)dt where k 1 and k 2 are continuous functions on [a, b] × Ω and Ω × [c, d], respectively. In this paper, concepts of determinants and minors of operators E−τT 1, τ ∈ ℂ and E−τT 2, τ ∈ ℂ are introduced as continuous functions on [a, b] and [c, d], respectively. Here E is the identical operator in C(Ω). In addition, Theorems on the spectra of bounded...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 131