Displaying 2081 – 2100 of 13204

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Characteristic of convexity of Musielak-Orlicz function spaces equipped with the Luxemburg norm

Henryk Hudzik, Thomas Landes (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we extend the result of [6] on the characteristic of convexity of Orlicz spaces to the more general case of Musielak-Orlicz spaces over a non-atomic measure space. Namely, the characteristic of convexity of these spaces is computed whenever the Musielak-Orlicz functions are strictly convex.

Characterization of Bessel sequences.

M. Laura Arias, Gustavo Corach, Miriam Pacheco (2007)

Extracta Mathematicae

Let H be a separable Hilbert space, L(H) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators of H and Bess(H) be the set of all Bessel sequences of H. Fixed an orthonormal basis E = {ek}k∈N of H, a bijection αE: Bess(H) → L(H) can be defined. The aim of this paper is to characterize α-1E (A) for different classes of operators A ⊆ L(H). In particular, we characterize the Bessel sequences associated to injective operators, compact operators and Schatten p-classes.

Characterization of intermediate values of the triangle inequality II

Hiroki Sano, Tamotsu Izumida, Ken-Ichi Mitani, Tomoyoshi Ohwada, Kichi-Suke Saito (2014)

Open Mathematics

In [Mineno K., Nakamura Y., Ohwada T., Characterization of the intermediate values of the triangle inequality, Math. Inequal. Appl., 2012, 15(4), 1019–1035] there was established a norm inequality which characterizes all intermediate values of the triangle inequality, i.e. C n that satisfy 0 ≤ C n ≤ Σj=1n ‖x j‖ − ‖Σj=1n x j‖, x 1,...,x n ∈ X. Here we study when this norm inequality attains equality in strictly convex Banach spaces.

Currently displaying 2081 – 2100 of 13204