Displaying 3681 – 3700 of 13205

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Explicit computations of all finite index bimodules for a family of II 1 factors

Stefaan Vaes (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We study II 1 factors M and N associated with good generalized Bernoulli actions of groups having an infinite almost normal subgroup with the relative property (T). We prove the following rigidity result : every finite index M - N -bimodule (in particular, every isomorphism between M and N ) is described by a commensurability of the groups involved and a commensurability of their actions. The fusion algebra of finite index M - M -bimodules is identified with an extended Hecke fusion algebra, providing the...

Explicit extension maps in intersections of non-quasi-analytic classes

Jean Schmets, Manuel Valdivia (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We deal with projective limits of classes of functions and prove that: (a) the Chebyshev polynomials constitute an absolute Schauder basis of the nuclear Fréchet spaces ( ) ( [ - 1 , 1 ] r ) ; (b) there is no continuous linear extension map from Λ ( ) ( r ) into ( ) ( r ) ; (c) under some additional assumption on , there is an explicit extension map from ( ) ( [ - 1 , 1 ] r ) into ( ) ( [ - 2 , 2 ] r ) by use of a modification of the Chebyshev polynomials. These results extend the corresponding ones obtained by Beaugendre in [1] and [2].

Explicit formulas for optimal rearrangement-invariant norms in Sobolev imbedding inequalities

Ron Kerman, Luboš Pick (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We study imbeddings of the Sobolev space W m , ϱ ( Ω ) : = u: Ω → ℝ with ϱ ( α u / x α ) < ∞ when |α| ≤ m, in which Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain in ℝⁿ, ϱ is a rearrangement-invariant (r.i.) norm and 1 ≤ m ≤ n - 1. For such a space we have shown there exist r.i. norms, τ ϱ and σ ϱ , that are optimal with respect to the inclusions W m , ϱ ( Ω ) W m , τ ϱ ( Ω ) L σ ϱ ( Ω ) . General formulas for τ ϱ and σ ϱ are obtained using the -method of interpolation. These lead to explicit expressions when ϱ is a Lorentz Gamma norm or an Orlicz norm.

Explicit representation of compact linear operators in Banach spaces via polar sets

David E. Edmunds, Jan Lang (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We consider a compact linear map T acting between Banach spaces both of which are uniformly convex and uniformly smooth; it is supposed that T has trivial kernel and range dense in the target space. It is shown that if the Gelfand numbers of T decay sufficiently quickly, then the action of T is given by a series with calculable coefficients. This provides a Banach space version of the well-known Hilbert space result of E. Schmidt.

Exponential bounds for noncommuting systems of matrices

Brian Jefferies (2001)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that a finite system T of matrices whose real linear combinations have real spectrum satisfies a bound of the form | | e i T , ζ | | C ( 1 + | ζ | ) s e r | ζ | . The proof appeals to the monogenic functional calculus.

Exposed points in the set of representing measures for the disc algebra

Alexander J. Izzo (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

It is shown that for each nonzero point x in the open unit disc D, there is a measure whose support is exactly ∂D ∪ {x} and that is also a weak*-exposed point in the set of representing measures for the origin on the disc algebra. This yields a negative answer to a question raised by John Ryff.

Extenders for vector-valued functions

Iryna Banakh, Taras Banakh, Kaori Yamazaki (2009)

Studia Mathematica

Given a subset A of a topological space X, a locally convex space Y, and a family ℂ of subsets of Y we study the problem of the existence of a linear ℂ-extender u : C ( A , Y ) C ( X , Y ) , which is a linear operator extending bounded continuous functions f: A → C ⊂ Y, C ∈ ℂ, to bounded continuous functions f̅ = u(f): X → C ⊂ Y. Two necessary conditions for the existence of such an extender are found in terms of a topological game, which is a modification of the classical strong Choquet game. The results obtained allow us...

Extendibility of polynomials and analytic functions on p

Daniel Carando (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that extendible 2-homogeneous polynomials on spaces with cotype 2 are integral. This allows us to find examples of approximable non-extendible polynomials on p (1 ≤ p < ∞ ) of any degree. We also exhibit non-nuclear extendible polynomials for 4 < p < ∞. We study the extendibility of analytic functions on Banach spaces and show the existence of functions of infinite radius of convergence whose coefficients are finite type polynomials but which fail to be extendible.

Currently displaying 3681 – 3700 of 13205