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Order convolution and vector-valued multipliers

U. B. Tewari (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let I = (0,∞) with the usual topology. For x,y ∈ I, we define xy = max(x,y). Then I becomes a locally compact commutative topological semigroup. The Banach space L¹(I) of all Lebesgue integrable functions on I becomes a commutative semisimple Banach algebra with order convolution as multiplication. A bounded linear operator T on L¹(I) is called a multiplier of L¹(I) if T(f*g) = f*Tg for all f,g ∈ L¹(I). The space of multipliers of L¹(I) was determined by Johnson and Lahr. Let X be a Banach space...

Order-bounded operators from vector-valued function spaces to Banach spaces

Marian Nowak (2005)

Banach Center Publications

Let E be an ideal of L⁰ over a σ-finite measure space (Ω,Σ,μ). For a real Banach space ( X , | | · | | X ) let E(X) be a subspace of the space L⁰(X) of μ-equivalence classes of strongly Σ-measurable functions f: Ω → X and consisting of all those f ∈ L⁰(X) for which the scalar function | | f ( · ) | | X belongs to E. Let E(X)˜ stand for the order dual of E(X). For u ∈ E⁺ let D u ( = f E ( X ) : | | f ( · ) | | X u ) stand for the order interval in E(X). For a real Banach space ( Y , | | · | | Y ) a linear operator T: E(X) → Y is said to be order-bounded whenever for each u ∈ E⁺ the set...

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