Displaying 1541 – 1560 of 11135

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Bayesian analysis of structural change in a distributed Lag Model (Koyck Scheme)

Arvin Paul B. Sumobay, Arnulfo P. Supe (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Structural change for the Koyck Distributed Lag Model is analyzed through the Bayesian approach. The posterior distribution of the break point is derived with the use of the normal-gamma prior density and the break point, ν, is estimated by the value that attains the Highest Posterior Probability (HPP). Simulation study is done using R. Given the parameter values ϕ = 0.2 and λ = 0.3, the full detection of the structural change when σ² = 1 is generally attained at ν + 1. The after...

Berezin and Berezin-Toeplitz quantizations for general function spaces.

Miroslav Englis (2006)

Revista Matemática Complutense

The standard Berezin and Berezin-Toeplitz quantizations on a Kähler manifold are based on operator symbols and on Toeplitz operators, respectively, on weighted L2-spaces of holomorphic functions (weighted Bergman spaces). In both cases, the construction basically uses only the fact that these spaces have a reproducing kernel. We explore the possibilities of using other function spaces with reproducing kernels instead, such as L2-spaces of harmonic functions, Sobolev spaces, Sobolev spaces of holomorphic...

Besov spaces and 2-summing operators

M. A. Fugarolas (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let Π₂ be the operator ideal of all absolutely 2-summing operators and let I m be the identity map of the m-dimensional linear space. We first establish upper estimates for some mixing norms of I m . Employing these estimates, we study the embedding operators between Besov function spaces as mixing operators. The result obtained is applied to give sufficient conditions under which certain kinds of integral operators, acting on a Besov function space, belong to Π₂; in this context, we also consider the...

Bessel matrix differential equations: explicit solutions of initial and two-point boundary value problems

Enrique Navarro, Rafael Company, Lucas Jódar (1993)

Applicationes Mathematicae

In this paper we consider Bessel equations of the type t 2 X ( 2 ) ( t ) + t X ( 1 ) ( t ) + ( t 2 I - A 2 ) X ( t ) = 0 , where A is an n × n complex matrix and X(t) is an n × m matrix for t > 0. Following the ideas of the scalar case we introduce the concept of a fundamental set of solutions for the above equation expressed in terms of the data dimension. This concept allows us to give an explicit closed form solution of initial and two-point boundary value problems related to the Bessel equation.

Currently displaying 1541 – 1560 of 11135