-spectral factorization for rational matrix functions with alternative realization.
Symmetric Jacobi matrices on one sided homogeneous trees are studied. Essential selfadjointness of these matrices turns out to depend on the structure of the tree. If a tree has one end and infinitely many origin points the matrix is always essentially selfadjoint independently of the growth of its coefficients. In case a tree has one origin and infinitely many ends, the essential selfadjointness is equivalent to that of an ordinary Jacobi matrix obtained by restriction to the so called radial functions....
Joint subnormality of a family of composition operators on L²-space is characterized by means of positive definiteness of appropriate Radon-Nikodym derivatives. Next, simplified positive definiteness conditions guaranteeing joint subnormality of a C₀-semigroup of composition operators are supplied. Finally, the Radon-Nikodym derivatives associated to a jointly subnormal C₀-semigroup of composition operators are shown to be the Laplace transforms of probability measures (modulo a C₀-group of scalars)...
In the previous paper, we have characterized (joint) subnormality of a C₀-semigroup of composition operators on L²-space by positive definiteness of the Radon-Nikodym derivatives attached to it at each rational point. In the present paper, we show that in the case of C₀-groups of composition operators on L²-space the positive definiteness requirement can be replaced by a kind of consistency condition which seems to be simpler to work with. It turns out that the consistency condition also characterizes...
Motivated by Problem 2 in [2], Jordan *-derivation pairs and n-Jordan *-mappings are studied. From the results on these mappings, an affirmative answer to Problem 2 in [2] is given when E = F in (1) or when 𝓐 is unital. For the general case, we prove that every Jordan *-derivation pair is automatically real-linear. Furthermore, a characterization of a non-normal prime *-ring under some mild assumptions and a representation theorem for quasi-quadratic functionals are provided.
Let ₁, ₂ be (not necessarily unital or closed) standard operator algebras on locally convex spaces X₁, X₂, respectively. For k ≥ 2, consider different products on elements in , which covers the usual product and the Jordan triple product T₁ ∗ T₂ = T₂T₁T₂. Let Φ: ₁ → ₂ be a (not necessarily linear) map satisfying whenever any one of ’s has rank at most one. It is shown that if the range of Φ contains all rank one and rank two operators then Φ must be a Jordan isomorphism multiplied by a root...
The class of J-lattices was defined in the second author’s thesis. A subspace lattice on a Banach space X which is also a J-lattice is called a J- subspace lattice, abbreviated JSL. Every atomic Boolean subspace lattice, abbreviated ABSL, is a JSL. Any commutative JSL on Hilbert space, as well as any JSL on finite-dimensional space, is an ABSL. For any JSL ℒ both LatAlg ℒ and (on reflexive space) are JSL’s. Those families of subspaces which arise as the set of atoms of some JSL on X are characterised...
Given a family of Lévy measures ν={ν(x, ⋅)}x∈ℝd, the present work deals with the regularity of harmonic functions and the Feller property of corresponding jump processes. The main aim is to establish continuity estimates for harmonic functions under weak assumptions on the family ν. Different from previous contributions the method covers cases where lower bounds on the probability of hitting small sets degenerate.