N Congruency of Operators
Narrow operators are those operators defined on function spaces which are "small" at signs, i.e., at {-1,0,1}-valued functions. We summarize here some results and problems on them. One of the most interesting things is that if E has an unconditional basis then each operator on E is a sum of two narrow operators, while the sum of two narrow operators on L₁ is narrow. Recently this notion was generalized to vector lattices. This generalization explained the phenomena of sums: the set of all regular...
Let X be a Banach space. We introduce a formal approach which seems to be useful in the study of those properties of operators on X which depend only on the norms of the images of elements. This approach is applied to the Daugavet equation for norms of operators; in particular we develop a general theory of narrow operators and rich subspaces of spaces X with the Daugavet property previously studied in the context of the classical spaces C(K) and L₁(μ).
The aim of this article is to extend results of Maslyuchenko, Mykhaylyuk and Popov about narrow operators on vector lattices. We give a new definition of a narrow operator, where a vector lattice as the domain space of a narrow operator is replaced with a lattice-normed space. We prove that every GAM-compact (bo)-norm continuous linear operator from a Banach-Kantorovich space V to a Banach lattice Y is narrow. Then we show that, under some mild conditions, a continuous dominated operator is narrow...
We consider the nonlinear differential inclusion x′(t) ∈ Ax(t) + F(x(t)), where A is an m-dissipative operator on a separable Banach space X and F is a multi-function. We establish a viability result under Lipschitz hypothesis on F, that consists in proving the existence of solutions of the differential inclusion above, starting from a given set, which remain arbitrarily close to that set, if a tangency condition holds. To this end, we establish a kind of set-valued Gronwall’s lemma and a compactness...
The properties of the bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space which satisfy the condition where is unitary, are studied in relation to those of normal, hyponormal, quasinormal and subnormal operators.