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Selection theorem in L¹

Andrzej Nowak, Celina Rom (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

Let F be a multifunction from a metric space X into L¹, and B a subset of X. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of a measurable selector of F which is continuous at every point of B. Among other assumptions, we require the decomposability of F(x) for x ∈ B.

Semicontinuity and continuous selections for the multivalued superposition operator without assuming growth-type conditions

Hông Thái Nguyêñ (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Let Ω be a measure space, and E, F be separable Banach spaces. Given a multifunction f : Ω × E 2 F , denote by N f ( x ) the set of all measurable selections of the multifunction f ( · , x ( · ) ) : Ω 2 F , s ↦ f(s,x(s)), for a function x: Ω → E. First, we obtain new theorems on H-upper/H-lower/lower semicontinuity (without assuming any conditions on the growth of the generating multifunction f(s,u) with respect to u) for the multivalued (Nemytskiĭ) superposition operator N f mapping some open domain G ⊂ X into 2 Y , where X and Y are Köthe-Bochner...

Some algebraic fixed point theorems for multi-valued mappings with applications

Bupurao C. Dhage (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper, some algebraic fixed point theorems for multi-valued discontinuous operators on ordered spaces are proved. These theorems improve the earlier fixed point theorems of Dhage (1988, 1991) Dhage and Regan (2002) and Heikkilä and Hu (1993) under weaker conditions. The main fixed point theorems are applied to the first order discontinuous differential inclusions for proving the existence of the solutions under certain monotonicity condition of multi-functions.

Spatial patterns for reaction-diffusion systems with conditions described by inclusions

Jan Eisner, Milan Kučera (1997)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a reaction-diffusion system of the activator-inhibitor type with boundary conditions given by inclusions. We show that there exists a bifurcation point at which stationary but spatially nonconstant solutions (spatial patterns) bifurcate from the branch of trivial solutions. This bifurcation point lies in the domain of stability of the trivial solution to the same system with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, where a bifurcation of this classical problem is excluded.

Steffensen Methods for Solving Generalized Equations

Argyros, Ioannis K., Hilout, Saïd (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65G99, 65K10, 47H04.We provide a local convergence analysis for Steffensen's method in order to solve a generalized equation in a Banach space setting. Using well known fixed point theorems for set-valued maps [13] and Hölder type conditions introduced by us in [2] for nonlinear equations, we obtain the superlinear local convergence of Steffensen's method. Our results compare favorably with related ones obtained in [11].

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