Displaying 201 – 220 of 329

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On the geometry of convex reflectors

Vladimir I. Oliker (2002)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we consider a special class of convex hypersurfaces in Euclidean space which arise as weak solutions to some inverse problems of recovering reflectors from scattering data. For this class of hypersurfaces we study the notion of the focal function which, while sharing the important convexity property with the classical support function, has the advantage of being exactly the "right tool" for such inverse problems. We also discuss briefly the close analogy between one such inverse problem...

On the graph labellings arising from phylogenetics

Weronika Buczyńska, Jarosław Buczyński, Kaie Kubjas, Mateusz Michałek (2013)

Open Mathematics

We study semigroups of labellings associated to a graph. These generalise the Jukes-Cantor model and phylogenetic toric varieties defined in [Buczynska W., Phylogenetic toric varieties on graphs, J. Algebraic Combin., 2012, 35(3), 421–460]. Our main theorem bounds the degree of the generators of the semigroup by g + 1 when the graph has first Betti number g. Also, we provide a series of examples where the bound is sharp.

On the hessian of the optimal transport potential

Stefán Ingi Valdimarsson (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We study the optimal solution of the Monge-Kantorovich mass transport problem between measures whose density functions are convolution with a gaussian measure and a log-concave perturbation of a different gaussian measure. Under certain conditions we prove bounds for the Hessian of the optimal transport potential. This extends and generalises a result of Caffarelli. We also show how this result fits into the scheme of Barthe to prove Brascamp-Lieb inequalities and thus prove a new generalised Reverse...

On the isoperimetry of graphs with many ends

Christophe Pittet (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let X be a connected graph with uniformly bounded degree. We show that if there is a radius r such that, by removing from X any ball of radius r, we get at least three unbounded connected components, then X satisfies a strong isoperimetric inequality. In particular, the non-reduced l 2 -cohomology of X coincides with the reduced l 2 -cohomology of X and is of uncountable dimension. (Those facts are well known when X is the Cayley graph of a finitely generated group with infinitely many ends.)

On the isotropic constant of marginals

Grigoris Paouris (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We show that if μ₁, ..., μₘ are log-concave subgaussian or supergaussian probability measures in n i , i ≤ m, then for every F in the Grassmannian G N , n , where N = n₁ + ⋯ + nₘ and n< N, the isotropic constant of the marginal of the product of these measures, π F ( μ μ ) , is bounded. This extends known results on bounds of the isotropic constant to a larger class of measures.

On the lattice of polynomials with integer coefficients: the covering radius in L p ( 0 , 1 )

Wojciech Banaszczyk, Artur Lipnicki (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The paper deals with the approximation by polynomials with integer coefficients in L p ( 0 , 1 ) , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. Let P n , r be the space of polynomials of degree ≤ n which are divisible by the polynomial x r ( 1 - x ) r , r ≥ 0, and let P n , r P n , r be the set of polynomials with integer coefficients. Let μ ( P n , r ; L p ) be the maximal distance of elements of P n , r from P n , r in L p ( 0 , 1 ) . We give rather precise quantitative estimates of μ ( P n , r ; L ) for n ≳ 6r. Then we obtain similar, somewhat less precise, estimates of μ ( P n , r ; L p ) for p ≠ 2. It follows that μ ( P n , r ; L p ) n - 2 r - 2 / p as n → ∞. The results partially...

On the limiting empirical measure of eigenvalues of the sum of rank one matrices with log-concave distribution

A. Pajor, L. Pastur (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We consider n × n real symmetric and hermitian random matrices Hₙ that are sums of a non-random matrix H ( 0 ) and of mₙ rank-one matrices determined by i.i.d. isotropic random vectors with log-concave probability law and real amplitudes. This is an analog of the setting of Marchenko and Pastur [Mat. Sb. 72 (1967)]. We prove that if mₙ/n → c ∈ [0,∞) as n → ∞, and the distribution of eigenvalues of H ( 0 ) and the distribution of amplitudes converge weakly, then the distribution of eigenvalues of Hₙ converges...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 329