Displaying 421 – 440 of 2516

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Compact convex sets of the plane and probability theory

Jean-François Marckert, David Renault (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The Gauss−Minkowski correspondence in ℝ2 states the existence of a homeomorphism between the probability measures μ on [0,2π] such that 0 2 π e i x d μ ( x ) = 0 ∫ 0 2 π e ix d μ ( x ) = 0 and the compact convex sets (CCS) of the plane with perimeter 1. In this article, we bring out explicit formulas relating the border of a CCS to its probability measure. As a consequence, we show that some natural operations on CCS – for example, the Minkowski sum – have natural translations in terms of probability measure operations,...

Compact hyperbolic tetrahedra with non-obtuse dihedral angles.

Roland K.W. Roeder (2006)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Given a combinatorial description C of a polyhedron having E edges, the space of dihedral angles of all compact hyperbolic polyhedra that realize C is generally not a convex subset of RE. If C has five or more faces, Andreev's Theorem states that the corresponding space of dihedral angles AC obtained by restricting to non-obtuse angles is a convex polytope. In this paper we explain why Andreev did not consider tetrahedra, the only polyhedra having fewer than five faces, by demonstrating that the...

Compactness and countable compactness in weak topologies

W. Kirk (1995)

Studia Mathematica

A bounded closed convex set K in a Banach space X is said to have quasi-normal structure if each bounded closed convex subset H of K for which diam(H) > 0 contains a point u for which ∥u-x∥ < diam(H) for each x ∈ H. It is shown that if the convex sets on the unit sphere in X satisfy this condition (which is much weaker than the assumption that convex sets on the unit sphere are separable), then relative to various weak topologies, the unit ball in X is compact whenever it is countably compact....

Compatible complex structures on twistor space

Guillaume Deschamps (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let M be a Riemannian 4-manifold. The associated twistor space is a bundle whose total space Z admits a natural metric. The aim of this article is to study properties of complex structures on Z which are compatible with the fibration and the metric. The results obtained enable us to translate some metric properties on M (scalar flat, scalar-flat Kähler...) in terms of complex properties of its twistor space Z .

Complete systems of inequalities.

Hernández Cifre, María A., Salinas, Guillermo, Segura Gomis, Salvador (2001)

JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure &amp; Applied Mathematics [electronic only]

Complex Hadamard matrices and the spectral set conjecture.

Mihail N. Kolountzakis, Máté Matolcsi (2006)

Collectanea Mathematica

By analyzing the connection between complex Hadamard matrices and spectral sets, we prove the direction "spectral ⇒ tile" of the Spectral Set Conjecture, for all sets A of size |A| ≤ 5, in any finite Abelian group. This result is then extended to the infinite grid Zd for any dimension d, and finally to Rd.

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 2516