Displaying 721 – 740 of 763

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Curvature tensors and Ricci solitons with respect to Zamkovoy connection in anti-invariant submanifolds of trans-Sasakian manifold

Payel Karmakar (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

The present paper deals with the study of some properties of anti-invariant submanifolds of trans-Sasakian manifold with respect to a new non-metric affine connection called Zamkovoy connection. The nature of Ricci flat, concircularly flat, ξ -projectively flat, M -projectively flat, ξ - M -projectively flat, pseudo projectively flat and ξ -pseudo projectively flat anti-invariant submanifolds of trans-Sasakian manifold admitting Zamkovoy connection are discussed. Moreover, Ricci solitons on Ricci flat,...

Curvatures of conflict surfaces in Euclidean 3-space

Jorge Sotomayor, Dirk Siersma, Ronaldo Garcia (1999)

Banach Center Publications

This article extends to three dimensions results on the curvature of the conflict curve for pairs of convex sets of the plane, established by Siersma [3]. In the present case a conflict surface arises, equidistant from the given convex sets. The Gaussian, mean curvatures and the location of umbilic points on the conflict surface are determined here. Initial results on the Darbouxian type of umbilic points on conflict surfaces are also established. The results are expressed in terms of the principal...

Curvatures of the diagonal lift from an affine manifold to the linear frame bundle

Oldřich Kowalski, Masami Sekizawa (2012)

Open Mathematics

We investigate the curvature of the so-called diagonal lift from an affine manifold to the linear frame bundle LM. This is an affine analogue (but not a direct generalization) of the Sasaki-Mok metric on LM investigated by L.A. Cordero and M. de León in 1986. The Sasaki-Mok metric is constructed over a Riemannian manifold as base manifold. We receive analogous and, surprisingly, even stronger results in our affine setting.

Curved thin domains and parabolic equations

M. Prizzi, M. Rinaldi, K. P. Rybakowski (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Consider the family uₜ = Δu + G(u), t > 0, x Ω ε , ν ε u = 0 , t > 0, x Ω ε , ( E ε ) of semilinear Neumann boundary value problems, where, for ε > 0 small, the set Ω ε is a thin domain in l , possibly with holes, which collapses, as ε → 0⁺, onto a (curved) k-dimensional submanifold of l . If G is dissipative, then equation ( E ε ) has a global attractor ε . We identify a “limit” equation for the family ( E ε ) , prove convergence of trajectories and establish an upper semicontinuity result for the family ε as ε → 0⁺.

Currently displaying 721 – 740 of 763