Displaying 1321 – 1340 of 8738

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Conformal curvature for the normal bundle of a conformal foliation

Angel Montesinos (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

It is proved that the normal bundle of a distribution 𝒱 on a riemannian manifold admits a conformal curvature C if and only if 𝒱 is a conformal foliation. Then is conformally flat if and only if C vanishes. Also, the Pontrjagin classes of can be expressed in terms of C .

Conformal deformations of the Riemannian metrics and homogeneous Riemannian spaces

Eugene D. Rodionov, Viktor V. Slavskii (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we investigate one-dimensional sectional curvatures of Riemannian manifolds, conformal deformations of the Riemannian metrics and the structure of locally conformally homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. We prove that the nonnegativity of the one-dimensional sectional curvature of a homogeneous Riemannian space attracts nonnegativity of the Ricci curvature and we show that the inverse is incorrect with the help of the theorems O. Kowalski-S. Nikčevi'c [K-N], D. Alekseevsky-B. Kimelfeld...

Conformal gradient vector fields on a compact Riemannian manifold

Sharief Deshmukh, Falleh Al-Solamy (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is proved that if an n-dimensional compact connected Riemannian manifold (M,g) with Ricci curvature Ric satisfying 0 < Ric ≤ (n-1)(2-nc/λ₁)c for a constant c admits a nonzero conformal gradient vector field, then it is isometric to Sⁿ(c), where λ₁ is the first nonzero eigenvalue of the Laplacian operator on M. Also, it is observed that existence of a nonzero conformal gradient vector field on an n-dimensional compact connected Einstein manifold forces it to...

Conformal harmonic forms, Branson–Gover operators and Dirichlet problem at infinity

Erwann Aubry, Colin Guillarmou (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For odd-dimensional Poincaré–Einstein manifolds ( X n + 1 , g ) , we study the set of harmonic k -forms (for k < n / 2 ) which are C m (with m ) on the conformal compactification X ¯ of X . This set is infinite-dimensional for small m but it becomes finite-dimensional if m is large enough, and in one-to-one correspondence with the direct sum of the relative cohomology H k ( X ¯ , X ¯ ) and the kernel of the Branson–Gover [3] differential operators ( L k , G k ) on the conformal infinity ( X ¯ , [ h 0 ] ) . We also relate the set of C n - 2 k + 1 ( Λ k ( X ¯ ) ) forms in the kernel of d + δ g to the conformal...

Conformal ℱ-harmonic maps for Finsler manifolds

Jintang Li (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

By introducing the ℱ-stress energy tensor of maps from an n-dimensional Finsler manifold to a Finsler manifold and assuming that (n-2)ℱ(t)'- 2tℱ(t)'' ≠ 0 for any t ∈ [0,∞), we prove that any conformal strongly ℱ-harmonic map must be homothetic. This assertion generalizes the results by He and Shen for harmonics map and by Ara for the Riemannian case.

Currently displaying 1321 – 1340 of 8738