Displaying 1381 – 1400 of 8738

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Conjugation spaces.

Hausmann, Jean-Claude, Holm, Tara, Puppe, Volker (2005)

Algebraic & Geometric Topology

Connecting orbits of time dependent Lagrangian systems

Patrick Bernard (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We generalize to higher dimension results of Birkhoff and Mather on the existence of orbits wandering in regions of instability of twist maps. This generalization is strongly inspired by the one proposed by Mather. However, its advantage is that it contains most of the results of Birkhoff and Mather on twist maps.

Connection induced geometrical concepts

Musilová, Pavla, Musilová, Jana (2006)

Proceedings of the 25th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Summary: Geometrical concepts induced by a smooth mapping f : M N of manifolds with linear connections are introduced, especially the (higher order) covariant differentials of the mapping tangent to f and the curvature of a corresponding tensor product connection. As an useful and physically meaningful consequence a basis of differential invariants for natural operators of such smooth mappings is obtained for metric connections. A relation to geometry of Riemannian manifolds is discussed.

Connections for non-holonomic 3-webs

Vanžurová, Alena (1997)

Proceedings of the 16th Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

A non-holonomic 3-web is defined by two operators P and B such that P is a projector, B is involutory, and they are connected via the relation P B + B P = B . The so-called parallelizing connection with respect to which the 3-web distributions are parallel is defined. Some simple properties of such connections are found.

Connections in regular Poisson manifolds over ℝ-Lie foliations

Jan Kubarski (2000)

Banach Center Publications

The subject of this paper is the notion of the connection in a regular Poisson manifold M, defined as a splitting of the Atiyah sequence of its Lie algebroid. In the case when the characteristic foliation F is an ℝ-Lie foliation, the fibre integral operator along the adjoint bundle is used to define the Euler class of the Poisson manifold M. When M is oriented 3-dimensional, the notion of the index of a local flat connection with singularities along a closed transversal is defined. If, additionally,...

Connections induced by ( 1 , 1 ) -tensor fields on cotangent bundles

Anton Dekrét (1998)

Mathematica Bohemica

On cotangent bundles the Liouville field, the Liouville 1-form ε and the canonical symplectic structure d ε exist. In this paper interactions between these objects and ( 1 , 1 ) -tensor fields on cotangent bundles are studied. Properties of the connections induced by the above structures are investigated.

Connections of higher order and product preserving functors

Jacek Gancarzewicz, Noureddine Rahmani, Modesto R. Salgado (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we consider a product preserving functor of order r and a connection Γ of order r on a manifold M . We introduce horizontal lifts of tensor fields and linear connections from M to ( M ) with respect to Γ . Our definitions and results generalize the particular cases of the tangent bundle and the tangent bundle of higher order.

Currently displaying 1381 – 1400 of 8738