Displaying 141 – 160 of 206

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Special compositions in affinely connected spaces without a torsion

Zlatanov, Georgi (2011)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53B05, 53B99.Let AN be an affinely connected space without a torsion. With the help of N independent vector fields and their reciprocal covectors is built an affinor which defines a composition Xn ×Xm (n+m = N). The structure is integrable. New characteristics by the coefficients of the derivative equations are found for special compositions, studied in [1], [3]. Two-dimensional manifolds, named as bridges, which cut the both base manifolds of the composition...

Sur le problème inverse du calcul des variations : existence de lagrangiens associés à un spray dans le cas isotrope

Joseph Grifone, Zoltán Muzsnay (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

En utilisant la version de Spencer-Goldschmidt du théorème de Cartan-Kähler nous étudions les conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour qu’un système d’équations différentielles ordinaires du second ordre soit le système d’Euler-Lagrange associé à un lagrangien régulier. Dans la thèse de Z. Muzsnay cette technique a été déjà appliquée pour donner une version moderne du papier classique de Douglas qui traite le cas de la dimension 2. Ici nous considérons le cas où la dimension est arbitraire, nous...

Tensor approach to multidimensional webs

Alena Vanžurová (1998)

Mathematica Bohemica

An anholonomic ( n + 1 ) -web of dimension r is considered as an ( n + 1 ) -tuple of r -dimensional distributions in general position. We investigate a family of ( 1 , 1 ) -tensor fields (projectors and nilpotents associated with a web in a natural way) which will be used for characterization of all linear connections on a manifold preserving the given web.

The Tanaka-Webster connection for almost 𝒮 -manifolds and Cartan geometry

Antonio Lotta, Anna Maria Pastore (2004)

Archivum Mathematicum

We prove that a CR-integrable almost 𝒮 -manifold admits a canonical linear connection, which is a natural generalization of the Tanaka–Webster connection of a pseudo-hermitian structure on a strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold of hypersurface type. Hence a CR-integrable almost 𝒮 -structure on a manifold is canonically interpreted as a reductive Cartan geometry, which is torsion free if and only if the almost 𝒮 -structure is normal. Contrary to the CR-codimension one case, we exhibit examples of non normal...

The works of Charles Ehresmann on connections: from Cartan connections to connections on fibre bundles

Charles-Michel Marle (2007)

Banach Center Publications

Around 1923, Élie Cartan introduced affine connections on manifolds and defined the main related concepts: torsion, curvature, holonomy groups. He discussed applications of these concepts in Classical and Relativistic Mechanics; in particular he explained how parallel transport with respect to a connection can be related to the principle of inertia in Galilean Mechanics and, more generally, can be used to model the motion of a particle in a gravitational field. In subsequent papers, Élie Cartan...

Torsion and the second fundamental form for distributions

Geoff Prince (2016)

Communications in Mathematics

The second fundamental form of Riemannian geometry is generalised to the case of a manifold with a linear connection and an integrable distribution. This bilinear form is generally not symmetric and its skew part is the torsion. The form itself is closely related to the shape map of the connection. The codimension one case generalises the traditional shape operator of Riemannian geometry.

Traceless cubic forms on statistical manifolds and Tchebychev geometry

Hiroshi Matsuzoe (2005)

Banach Center Publications

Geometry of traceless cubic forms is studied. It is shown that the traceless part of the cubic form on a statistical manifold determines a conformal-projective equivalence class of statistical manifolds. This conformal-projective equivalence on statistical manifolds is a natural generalization of conformal equivalence on Riemannian manifolds. As an application, Tchebychev type immersions in centroaffine immersions of codimension two are studied.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 206