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Notes on prequantization of moduli of G -bundles with connection on Riemann surfaces

Andres Rodriguez (2004)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Let 𝒳 S be a smooth proper family of complex curves (i.e. family of Riemann surfaces), and a G -bundle over 𝒳 with connection along the fibres 𝒳 S . We construct a line bundle with connection ( , ) on S (also in cases when the connection on has regular singularities). We discuss the resulting ( , ) mainly in the case G = * . For instance when S is the moduli space of line bundles with connection over a Riemann surface X , 𝒳 = X × S , and is the Poincaré bundle over 𝒳 , we show that ( , ) provides a prequantization of S .

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