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Large families of dense pseudocompact subgroups of compact groups

Gerald Itzkowitz, Dmitri Shakhmatov (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that every nonmetrizable compact connected Abelian group G has a family H of size |G|, the maximal size possible, consisting of proper dense pseudocompact subgroups of G such that H ∩ H'={0} for distinct H,H' ∈ H. An easy example shows that connectedness of G is essential in the above result. In the general case we establish that every nonmetrizable compact Abelian group G has a family H of size |G| consisting of proper dense pseudocompact subgroups of G such that each intersection H H'...

Lindelöf indestructibility, topological games and selection principles

Marion Scheepers, Franklin D. Tall (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Arhangel’skii proved that if a first countable Hausdorff space is Lindelöf, then its cardinality is at most 2 . Such a clean upper bound for Lindelöf spaces in the larger class of spaces whose points are G δ has been more elusive. In this paper we continue the agenda started by the second author, [Topology Appl. 63 (1995)], of considering the cardinality problem for spaces satisfying stronger versions of the Lindelöf property. Infinite games and selection principles, especially the Rothberger property,...

Linear subspace of Rl without dense totally disconnected subsets

K. Ciesielski (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In [1] the author showed that if there is a cardinal κ such that 2 κ = κ + then there exists a completely regular space without dense 0-dimensional subspaces. This was a solution of a problem of Arkhangel’skiĭ. Recently Arkhangel’skiĭ asked the author whether one can generalize this result by constructing a completely regular space without dense totally disconnected subspaces, and whether such a space can have a structure of a linear space. The purpose of this paper is to show that indeed such a space can...

Local cardinal functions of H-closed spaces

Angelo Bella, Jack R. Porter (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The cardinal functions of pseudocharacter, closed pseudocharacter, and character are used to examine H-closed spaces and to contrast the differences between H-closed and minimal Hausdorff spaces. An H-closed space X is produced with the properties that | X | > 2 2 ψ ( X ) and ψ ¯ ( X ) > 2 ψ ( X ) .

Locally compact perfectly normal spaces may all be paracompact

Paul B. Larson, Franklin D. Tall (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We work towards establishing that if it is consistent that there is a supercompact cardinal then it is consistent that every locally compact perfectly normal space is paracompact. At a crucial step we use some still unpublished results announced by Todorcevic. Modulo this and the large cardinal, this answers a question of S. Watson. Modulo these same unpublished results, we also show that if it is consistent that there is a supercompact cardinal, it is consistent that every locally compact space...

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