Displaying 141 – 160 of 388

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Involutions on the second duals of group algebras versus subamenable groups

Ajit Iqbal Singh (2011)

Studia Mathematica

Let L¹(G)** be the second dual of the group algebra L¹(G) of a locally compact group G. We study the question of involutions on L¹(G)**. A new class of subamenable groups is introduced which is universal for all groups. There is no involution on L¹(G)** for a subamenable group G.

Local cardinal functions of H-closed spaces

Angelo Bella, Jack R. Porter (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The cardinal functions of pseudocharacter, closed pseudocharacter, and character are used to examine H-closed spaces and to contrast the differences between H-closed and minimal Hausdorff spaces. An H-closed space X is produced with the properties that | X | > 2 2 ψ ( X ) and ψ ¯ ( X ) > 2 ψ ( X ) .

Local/global uniform approximation of real-valued continuous functions

Anthony W. Hager (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

For a Tychonoff space X , C ( X ) is the lattice-ordered group ( l -group) of real-valued continuous functions on X , and C * ( X ) is the sub- l -group of bounded functions. A property that X might have is (AP) whenever G is a divisible sub- l -group of C * ( X ) , containing the constant function 1, and separating points from closed sets in X , then any function in C ( X ) can be approximated uniformly over X by functions which are locally in G . The vector lattice version of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem is more-or-less equivalent...

More on tie-points and homeomorphism in ℕ*

Alan Dow, Saharon Shelah (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A point x is a (bow) tie-point of a space X if X∖x can be partitioned into (relatively) clopen sets each with x in its closure. We denote this as X = A x B where A, B are the closed sets which have a unique common accumulation point x. Tie-points have appeared in the construction of non-trivial autohomeomorphisms of βℕ = ℕ* (by Veličković and Shelah Steprans) and in the recent study (by Levy and Dow Techanie) of precisely 2-to-1 maps on ℕ*. In these cases the tie-points have been the unique fixed point...

More on κ -Ohio completeness

D. Basile (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study closed subspaces of κ -Ohio complete spaces and, for κ uncountable cardinal, we prove a characterization for them. We then investigate the behaviour of products of κ -Ohio complete spaces. We prove that, if the cardinal κ + is endowed with either the order or the discrete topology, the space ( κ + ) κ + is not κ -Ohio complete. As a consequence, we show that, if κ is less than the first weakly inaccessible cardinal, then neither the space ω κ + , nor the space κ + is κ -Ohio complete.

Natural sinks on Y β

J. Schröder (1992)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let ( e β : 𝐐 Y β ) β Ord be the large source of epimorphisms in the category Ury of Urysohn spaces constructed in [2]. A sink ( g β : Y β X ) β Ord is called natural, if g β e β = g β ' e β ' for all β , β ' Ord . In this paper natural sinks are characterized. As a result it is shown that Ury permits no ( E p i , ) -factorization structure for arbitrary (large) sources.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 388