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Selivanovski hard sets are hard

Janusz Pawlikowski (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let H Z 2 ω . For n ≥ 2, we prove that if Selivanovski measurable functions from 2 ω to Z give as preimages of H all Σₙ¹ subsets of 2 ω , then so do continuous injections.

Some Comments on Q-Irresolute and Quasi-Irresolute Functions

Dontchev, Julian, Ganster, Maximilian (1995)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

The aim of this paper is to continue the study of θ-irresolute and quasi-irresolute functions as well as to give an example of a function which is θ-irresolute but neither quasi-irresolute nor an R-map and thus give an answer to a question posed by Ganster, Noiri and Reilly. We prove that RS-compactness is preserved under open, quasi-irresolute surjections.

Some examples of true F σ δ sets

Marek Balcerzak, Udayan Darji (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let K(X) be the hyperspace of a compact metric space endowed with the Hausdorff metric. We give a general theorem showing that certain subsets of K(X) are true F σ δ sets.

Some facts from descriptive set theory concerning essential spectra and applications

Khalid Latrach, J. Martin Paoli, Pierre Simonnet (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a separable Banach space and denote by 𝓛(X) (resp. 𝒦(ℂ)) the set of all bounded linear operators on X (resp. the set of all compact subsets of ℂ). We show that the maps from 𝓛(X) into 𝒦(ℂ) which assign to each element of 𝓛(X) its spectrum, approximate point spectrum, essential spectrum, Weyl essential spectrum, Browder essential spectrum, respectively, are Borel maps, where 𝓛(X) (resp. 𝒦(ℂ)) is endowed with the strong operator topology (resp. Hausdorff topology). This enables us...

Spaces of measurable functions

Piotr Niemiec (2013)

Open Mathematics

For a metrizable space X and a finite measure space (Ω, 𝔐 , µ), the space M µ(X) of all equivalence classes (under the relation of equality almost everywhere mod µ) of 𝔐 -measurable functions from Ω to X, whose images are separable, equipped with the topology of convergence in measure, and some of its subspaces are studied. In particular, it is shown that M µ(X) is homeomorphic to a Hilbert space provided µ is (nonzero) nonatomic and X is completely metrizable and has more than one point.

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